All posts by Isabel

Isabel Wong, MS, RN, RD is an aesthetic nurse and integrative nutrition consultant who specializes in preventing and/or reversing chronic disease patterns in her Medical Nutrition Program, as well as helping clients to achieve optimal lifetime wellness and their desired beauty goals & body shapes via her Nutrition & Wellness Program and non-invasive treatments.Isabel embraces both eastern and western philosophies to achieve health and wellness. As a functional dietitian, she has a passion for helping men and women of all ages and backgrounds to transform their diet and lifestyle to enhance fitness performance, self-confidence, and overall health. As a beauty nurse, she empowers and supports her clients to meet their aesthetic goals, achieve glowing skin, love their appearances, and feel their best.

7-Day Liver Detox Plan before the holidays – The last minute guide to getting into better shape before 2021

When is the best time to start this plan?

NOW, but realistically, check your calendar and pick a week when you don’t anticipate any special events that involve a lot of foods. You can do this before the holidays to rejuvenate your liver and repeat it whenever you are feeling sluggish, lack of concentration, having skin breakout/acne/hyperpigmentation, having bad breath, brain fog, or just to kick start a long-term healthier lifestyle.

Add 1 good habit and abandon 1 bad habit from your lifestyle each day of the detox.

Day 1

Limit your daily eating window to 12 hours. For instance, if you take your first bite of food at 9 am, you would finish your last bite of food of the day by 9 pm. During the fasting period, you can stay hydrated with water and consume unsweetened coffee/tea. 

❌ Avoid Alcohol

Day 2

✅ Lose excess belly fat to lower inflammation and reverse liver damage. Get enough sleep and ramp up your workout: Exercise for 45-60 minutes most days of the week and be more physical active during the day.

❌Avoid added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

  • ex. Diet/regular soda, sugary cereals, sugary yogurt, whipped cream, sweetened condiments such as some teriyaki sauce/spaghetti sauce/soy sauce/honey mustard/ketchup

Day 3

✅ Drink 1-2 cups of Detox juice a day:

    1. Combine 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar + juice 1/2 lemon + ½ teaspoon of raw honey + 8 oz water  and/or
    2. Juice 1 beet + 2 slices of ginger + 3 carrots   

❌ Avoid refined carbs.

  • ex. Bread, pasta, burger

Day 4

✅ Eat 1 serving of choline-rich food a day.

  • ex. Egg, chicken, beef, broccoli, salmon

❌ Avoid refined oils.

  • ex. soybean, safflower, vegetable, canola or sunflower oil

Day 5

✅ Aim for at least 3 cups of vegetables and 1 fruit a day. 

❌ Avoid ultra-processed and packaged foods.

  • ex. instant rices, instant noodles, cold cuts, ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, canned soups, frozen meals/pizza

Day 6

Start your meal by eating half of the veggies> then protein + more veggies > finishing it with carbs.

❌ Avoid fried Foods.

  • ex. French fries, donuts, falafel, churros, arancini, fried chicken, pakora, General Tso’s chicken

Day 7

✅ Practice food and lifestyle changes first, then consider supplements.

  • Supplements for liver health: Milk thistle, Artichoke, Dandelion Root, Curcumin, Vitamin D3, Resveratrol. 

❌ If you have liver disease, stay away from raw or undercooked shellfish.

  • ex. Oysters, calms


💚 Learn how to create/order balanced meals at home or in the restaurants

💚 Are your supplements safe?

10 simple secrets to portion control and healthy eating

Whether you are eating out or meal prepping at home, this portion control guide is a simple and practical way to create balanced meals and build healthy eating habits. 

For each day:

  1. Choose organic, grass-fed, non-GMO, locally-sourced, minimally-processed ingredients whenever possible
  2. Fruits: 2 cupped hand sized portions a day
  3. Eat your biggest meal of the day after workout 
  4. Break up with sugary beverages
  5. Eat until you are 70-80% full
  6. Start your meal by eating half of the veggies> then protein + more veggies > finishing it with carbs

For each meal, you may need (based on your activity level, goals, etc): 

7. Non-starchy veggies: 50% of your plate  (> 2 fist sized portions) 

8. Protein: 20% of your plate ( 1 palm sized portion meat/ fatty fish or 1 hand sized portion lean fish/tofu/legumes)

    • Limit red meat, processed meats (ex. Bacon, hot dogs, ham) 

9. Carbohydrates: 20% of your plate (1-2 cupped hand sized portions)

    • Choose starchy veggies or whole grains 
    • To shred/lose weight: Choose more starchy veggies over whole grains (1 cupped hand sized portion)
    • To build/gain muscle:  40% Carbs (2 cupped hand sized portions); 40% Protein ; 20% Fats ( 2 thumb sized portions) 

10. Healthy fats: 10% of your plate (1-2 thumb sized portions)

Build a Healthy Plate-2020

健康飲食餐盤 [手掌計算法]

建議你不論在家備餐,還是在外用餐,按照健康飲食餐盤, 手掌計算夾取適當的食物比例, 就可以攝取到均衡營養的一餐。

  • 膳食的主要部分應是非澱粉類蔬菜 – 每餐應佔據餐盤的50% (>2個拳頭大小)
  • 澱粉類 (碳水化合物)- 每餐佔 20%; 一小手捧大小 
    • 選擇澱粉類蔬菜/全穀食物, 例如:南瓜, 胡蘿蔔,紫薯, 藜麥, 燕麥, 糙米
    • 想瘦身/減腰圍/降血糖的你,澱粉類蔬菜成效比全穀食物好 
    • 增肌階段:澱粉類 40% (兩小捧), 蛋白質 40% (1 ½ 手掌心大小), 脂肪 20% (兩個大拇指大小)
  • 蛋白質- 每餐佔 20%; 一手掌心大小的肉/三文魚/沙丁魚 或 一整個手(包含手指)平放的少脂魚 (白魚肉) /豆腐/豆類.
    •  限制紅肉, 加工肉- 例如: 煙肉, 香腸
  • 健康的脂肪- 每餐佔 10%; 1-2個大拇指大小 (如橄欖油, 椰子油, 堅果, 牛油果)
My Healthy Plate 健康飲食餐盤


  • 進食順序: 從蔬菜開始,半飽之後再開始吃蛋白質,最後再吃澱粉類
  • 每餐吃到7~8分飽
  • 飲料- 不喝含糖飲料/果汁
  • 水果- 每天兩小捧 (雙手捧住大小)
  • 富含鈣的食物-  每天三份 (例如: 無糖/少糖希臘酸奶, 無糖加鈣杏仁奶,小魚乾, 黑芝麻, 蝦米, 西蘭花, 杏仁, 紫菜, 深色蔬菜)
  • 零食類- 堅果: 一小手捧大小; 堅果醬: 1-2個大拇指大小; 黑巧克力:1個大拇指大小
  • 選擇原態, 非加工, 多樣化的食物

在家做美味,簡單,又健康的地中海料理: 低碳椰子粉煎餅 + 希腊黄瓜酸奶酱 + 風味歐芹沙拉



準備時間:10分鐘         烹飪時間:15分鐘      份量:4片煎餅


  • 1/2 杯椰子粉
  • 2湯匙車前子殼 (psyllium husk)/亞麻子 (ground flaxseed)或嘉種子 (chia seed)
  • 2 湯匙 椰子油/牛油果油/橄欖油
  • 1/3 茶匙發酵粉
  • 1湯匙蒜末(可加)
  • 1茶匙薑黃+黑胡椒粉(可
  • 1/4茶匙鹽
  • 1-1.5杯熱水


  1. 在一個大碗中,混合所有的干食材
  2. 加入2湯匙油, 1杯熱水緩慢攪拌,直到順滑。如果太乾,添加多半杯熱水。如果太濕,添加更多的洋車前子。
  3. 用手揉一分鐘,然後放在碗中放置10-15分鐘。
  4. 將麵團分5-6份壓成餅
  5. 平底鍋預熱,每面煎大約1-2分鐘至變成金黃色完成。

希腊黄瓜酸奶酱 Tzatziki



  • 1根黃瓜
  • 1杯希臘酸奶 (Plain Greek Yogurt)
  • 4瓣大蒜
  • 檸檬汁 (半個檸檬)
  • 少許檸檬皮
  • 橄欖油
  • 2束蒔蘿
  • 胡椒粉


  1. 準備材料,黃瓜削皮擦成絲, 蒜剁成蒜泥,蒔蘿葉切小片。
  2. 黃瓜絲加一點鹽,醃製10分鐘,逼出水分
  3. 攪拌醬料均勻,完成。
  4. 食用前可先冷藏2-8小時 (可以當料用,也可以用來拌沙拉)。

風味歐芹沙拉 Tabbouleh Salad


  • 2-6束歐芹
  • 2個番茄
  • 加: 黃瓜/薄荷/洋蔥/蔥/甜椒/藜麥/大麻籽
  • 4瓣大蒜
  • 檸檬汁 (半個檸檬)
  • 橄欖油
  • 胡椒粉
  1. 準備材料,切小片。
  2. 攪拌沙拉均勻,完成。
  3. 食用前可先冷藏1小時

營養師提示🌿: 椰子粉, 歐芹的益處:

椰子粉的碳水化合物含量比其他普通麵粉(例如小麥和玉米粉)低,纖維含量高。因此對於糖尿病患者,LDL 膽固醇高, TG 血脂高, 和希望保持健康血糖心臟的人來說,椰子粉是更好的選擇。另外, 椰子粉纖維含量高,可預防便秘


  1. 抗氧化: 對抗/中和自由基損傷, 幫助減緩衰老和體內炎症. (這很重要,因為現今不良生活方式習慣,過多攝入超加工食品,長期接觸化學物質環境污染物, 為自由基的擴散定了基礎,讓很多人面臨高的氧化壓力。自由基的形成會損傷或突變細胞, 激活DNA中有害基因導致許多與衰老/炎症有關的疾病,如心髒病,眼疾, 癌症,神經退行性等。
  2. 利尿, 幫助緩解腹脹
  3. 改善消化健康



雖然你可能覺得自己日常不怎麼吃甜食,但你攝入的添加糖分分鐘比你意識到的要多得多。隐形糖潛藏在大多數包裝食品中,麵包, 健康食品, 零食, 酸奶, 玉米片, 醬汁內都含有添加糖。


  • 美國心臟協會(AHA) 建議每天添加糖攝取量:
    • 男性: 最多 9茶匙 (36克 或 150卡路里)
    • 女性: 最多6茶匙 (25克 或 100卡路里)
    • 兒童/青少年 (2-18歲): 少於6茶匙 (< 25克 或 < 100卡路里)
  • 1茶匙糖= 4克(g)糖 ; 營養價值= 0
  • 遵循80/20規則:
    • 80%的時間吃健康食品, 20%的時間吃一些“放縱, 有趣的食物”
  • 看懂食品標籤. 所有成分是按重量降序排列。因此,如果糖是第一到第三種成分, 最好選擇另一種產品。


  • 攝入大量添加糖會增加高血壓,  肥胖, 大肚腩, 脂肪肝, 2型糖尿病, 癌症, 阿爾茨海默病, 中風, 心臟病, 發炎的風險。
  • 添加糖有很多不同的名稱,例如:
    • 糖 Sugar 
    • 花蜜 Agave Nectar
    • 紅糖 Brown sugar 
    • 玉米甜味劑 Corn sweetener
    • “Ose” 拖尾的  (例如: 葡萄糖 Glucose, 果糖 Fructose)
    • 蔗糖 Sucrose, Cane Sugar  
    • 糖漿 Syrup 
    • 玉米糖漿 Corn syrup
    • 高果糖玉米糖漿 High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
    • 蜂蜜 Honey
    • 濃縮果汁 Fruit juice concentrates
    • 麥芽糖漿 Malt syrup 
    • 大麥麥芽提取物 Barley malt extract 
    • 楓糖漿 Maple syrup
    • 原糖蜜 Molasse
    • 等等…
  • ‼️人工代糖: Sucralose  (Splenda 黃色包裝), aspartame (Equal 藍色包裝), Saccharin (Sweet’N Low 粉紅色包裝).
    • 經常吃人工代糖人可能會上瘾, 引發更多的甜食渴望
    • 未知的長期影響, 儘量避免
    • 孕婦兒童遠離
  • 「天然的」代糖從草本植物衍生出來: 羅漢果 (Monk fruit), 甜菊糖(Stevia).
    • 沒有卡路里或糖。
    • 可能產生「0卡路里, 可以多吃其他美」的心理
    • 懷孕婦女和對豚草過敏的 (ragweed allergy)要避免使用
    • 甜菊糖有三種:
      • 甜菊葉甜味劑 (Altered Stevia, ex. Truvia, PureVia, Stevia in the Raw)- 含有不到1%的甜菊葉, 超加工成分. 避免❗️ 
      • 甜葉菊提取物 (stevia extracts)
      • 綠葉甜菊葉 (green leaf stevia): 最自然,副作用最少。
  • 糖醇(Sugar alcohol): 木糖醇(xylitol) , 赤蘚糖醇(Erythritol), 乳糖醇, 山梨糖醇(sorbitol).
    • 糖醇比糖含的熱量少,常見於口香糖中. 身體無法完全吸收,因此對血糖的影響比較小. 然而攝入大量時,容易導致打嗝、肚子脹氣、腹瀉。
  • 比添加糖和人工代糖略安全的天然糖: 原蜂蜜(raw honey), 椰子糖(coconut sugar), 綠葉甜菊葉 (green leaf stevia)-  但仍應慎食


大家要養成看食品標籤的習慣, 別被一些 「健康食品」給騙了! 

很多看似有益的食品, 其實添加糖/壞脂肪/鈉(鹽)含量非常嚇人, 最好少食或選擇其他牌子/食品!

例如名稱中含有:  “有機”, “高纖”, “粗糧”, “非油炸”, “fat free”, “ 0脂肪”, “無麩質”- 如一些酸奶, 包裝蔬果汁,  沙拉醬, 雜糧酥, 糙米卷, 消化餅, 袋裝堅果, 麻辣醬, 豆腐乾, 等等 ‼️

添加糖成分(克 Grams)
水果嚼糖 Hi Chew Fruit Chew Candies2 片6
有機水果軟糖零食 Annie’s Organic Fruit Snacks1 小袋 (29g)11
巧克力夾心餅乾 Oreos2 片~9
無麩質夾心餅乾 Glutino Gluten-Free Cookies2 片14
桂格即食早餐燕麥片 Quaker Oatmeal Cold Cereal1 碗9
有機100%全麦面包 Arnold Organic 100% Whole Grain Bread2 片8
希臘酸奶-桃味 Chobani Greek Yogurt Peach1個 (5.3 oz)9

兒童有機低脂酸奶 StonyField Organic Kids Low Fat Yogurt
1 小袋 (3.5 oz)4
歐米茄3豪華混合堅果Nature’s Garden Omega 3 Deluxe Nut Mix4湯匙9

有機番茄醬 365 Organic Tomato Ketchup
1 湯匙3

有機燒烤醬 365 Organic Barbecue Sauce
1 湯匙4

生麥盧卡蜂蜜 Raw Manuka Honey
1 湯匙16
星巴克星冰樂咖啡 Starbucks Frappuccino, Vanilla
1 瓶 (9.5 fl. oz )
脫脂牛奶南瓜咖啡 Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Swirl Hot Cappuccino with skim milk
細杯10 fl.oz

Is 25g of added sugar a lot? Plus 10 strategies for overcoming cravings

Know Your Limit:

  • The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that women limit their added sugar intake to 6 teaspoons (25 grams or 100 calories) per day,  men should limit their intake to 9 teaspoons (36 grams or 150 calories) per day, while children and teens aged 2-18 should consume less than 6 teaspoons (25 grams or 100 calories) a day
  • 1 teaspoon = 4 grams of sugar 
  • Consume added sugar sparingly (Follow the 80/20 rule)
  • Avoid/limit foods & beverages that list added sugar as the first 3 ingredients (Ingredients are listed in descending order by weight) 

Sneaky Sugar: 

  • Excessive added sugar intake is linked to weight gain, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, inflammation- which increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. 
  • Name of added sugars:
    • Agave nectar
    • Barley malt extract
    • Corn sweetener
    • Fruit juice concentrates
    • Honey
    • Molasses
    • Sugar (brown sugar, cane sugar, malt sugar, raw sugar)
    • Syrup (corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, tapioca syrup)
    • Molecules ending in “ose” (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose)
    • and more… 
  • Artificial sweeteners may have addictive properties. As a result, you may crave more sweets and influence your food choices

How much sugar is in your snack?

Added sugar content in 14 popular products:

ProductsPortionGrams of Added Sugar
Hi Chew Fruit Chew Candies2 pieces6
Annie’s Organic Fruit Snacks1 pouch (29g)11
Oreos2 cookies~9
Glutino Gluten-Free Cookies2 cookies14
Quaker Oatmeal Cold Cereal1 cup9
Arnold Organic 100% Whole Grain Bread2 slices8
Chobani Greek Yogurt Peach1 container (5.3 oz)9
StonyField Organic Kids Low Fat Yogurt1 pouch (3.5 oz)4
Nature’s Garden Omega 3 Deluxe Nut Mix1/4 cup (4 tablespoons)9
365 Organic Tomato Ketchup1 tablespoon3
365 Organic Barbecue Sauce1 tablespoon4
Raw Manuka Honey1 tablespoon16
Starbucks Frappuccino, Vanilla9.5 fl. oz (glass bottle)~31
Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Swirl Hot Cappuccino with skim milk10 fl.oz (small)21

How to stop cravings?

How to stop sugar cravings

4 Bonus Strategies

7. Choose whole or minimally-processed foods 

8. Stay hydrated with 8-15 cups of water a day (depends on your health, environment, activity, if you are breastfeeding, etc)

9. Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night

10. Enjoying your cravings every now and then. If you indulge a little, that’s fine. Just know that you will get back on track as soon as possible ❤️

前列腺保健- 13種食療秘訣

✔ 選擇

  1. 植物性飲食: 以植物為主要材料 (50% 蔬菜, 10% 水果,  + 15% 豆類, 堅果, 種子和全穀類 + 25% 瘦肉, 雞, 深海魚, 豆腐等蛋白和減脂乳製品)
  2. 亞麻籽
  3. 大蒜,洋蔥
  4. 番茄红素: 番茄, 西瓜, 木瓜, 番石榴, 柿子, 甜紅椒
  5. 奧米加-3脂肪酸 (Omega-3 Fatty Acids): 魚油, 三文魚,鯖魚, 沙丁魚, 豆腐, 毛豆, 亞麻籽 (flaxseeds), 嘉種子 (chia seeds), 核桃
  6. 兒茶素(catechins):  抹茶, 綠茶, 蘋果皮, 黑巧克力, 藍莓, 黑莓  
  7. 富含鋅的食物: 南瓜子, 豆類
  8. 維生素E (每日50毫克).  富含維生素E的食物: 葵花籽, 杏仁, 牛油果, 綠葉蔬菜
  9. 多吃富含硒 Selenium 的食物 (例如: 巴西堅果 Brazil Nuts 每天1-3粒, 雞蛋 每天1-2 個, 三文魚, 雞肉, 瓜子) 
  10. 十字花科蔬菜(例如:西蘭花,甘藍菜,高麗菜、 芥菜、大白菜、小白菜、油菜、椰菜花)
  11. 維生素D: 每日1000-5000 IU 或 曬太陽合成維生素D(建議每週 3 至 4 次將臉部、手臂及手掌日曬 15 分鐘, 最佳的照射時間為上午 10 時到下午 2 點)
  12. 保健品: 鋸棕櫚 Saw Palmetto , 刺蕁麻 Stinging Nettle 
  13. 保持活躍, 經常運動, 少坐多動, 保持健康體重

✖ 避免

  1. 精製穀物/麵製品 (例如: 白麵包, 白飯, 糯米)
  2. 加工食品:薯片,餅乾,冷凍比薩、微波食物,  加工肉,即食麵, 人工奶油等
  3. 抽煙/ 過量喝酒
  4. 進食過量 (3份以上) 乳製品/鈣
  5. 進食過量 含亞硝酸鹽/硝酸鹽 (nitrate) 腌制/煙熏的食物. 例如: 鹹蛋, 腌豆腐乾, 榨菜, 酸菜, 加工肉類 (例如: 火腿,香腸, 臘肉, 鹹魚等)
  6. 油炸, 燒烤食物 (例如: 冷凍薯條, 油條, 炸雞)


  • 前列腺肥大: 應避免喝酒、咖啡, 暴飲、食用辛辣刺激的食物、憋尿等。
  • 綠茶加檸檬- 有助兒茶素吸收
  • 偶爾吃煙熏食物/加工肉類時, 多補充維生素C和富含多酚類 (polyphenols) 的抗氧化食物, 可抑制致癌物質亞硝酸胺 (Nitrosamine)的合成。
    • 如:綠茶、可可粉, 莓類水果 (黑莓, 草莓, 紅莓, 藍莓等)、紅葡萄, 八角, 亞麻籽
  • 健康零食: 蘿蔔、黃瓜, 西芹條, 番茄及紅甜椒條配豆醬
    • 豆醬: (與蔬菜一同食用, 做沙拉醬) – 把以下材料混在一起:
      • 1 小罐沖淨搗碎的豆, ½ 杯 希臘酸奶 (plain Greek Yogurt),  2 棵青蔥 (切碎),2 湯匙芫荽,  1 瓣蒜頭 (可以用個人喜好的香料來調味: 如:橄欖油、大蒜、檸檬汁、小茴香、鹽和芝麻醬, 辣椒粉, 松子, 甜菜, 牛油果泥等)



1勺胶原蛋白粉, ½ 杯藍莓, 香蕉,  1茶匙嘉種子, 1茶匙亞麻籽, 2 湯匙燕麥片, 1茶匙肉桂粉和/或可可粉, ¼ 牛油果, 1 杯 杏仁奶


1/2杯 燕麥片 + 一匙酸奶/檸檬汁/蘋果醋 +  1茶匙嘉種子 + 1茶匙亞麻籽

混合食材在一起,然後放在冰箱中浸泡一夜. 第二天早上加1/2杯切碎的水果, 2 湯匙堅果 (杏仁,核桃)或菠菜, 營養酵母(nutritional yeast), 牛油果, , 水煮蛋


紫薯 + 希臘酸奶 + 杏仁片+ 南瓜籽+ ½ 杯水果


蔬菜(例如: 番茄, 蘑菇) + 2個雞蛋 + ¼ 牛油果 + 吞拿魚


13 ways to reduce your risk of prostate cancer and BPH

✔ Choose

  1. Plant-based nutrition: The majority of your food choices are minimally processed, whole plant foods. Fill >50% of your daily meals with vegetables, 10% fruits, 15% legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, 25% lean protein such as organic chicken, grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish, organic tofu/edamame
  2. Flaxseed 
  3. Garlic, onion
  4. Lycopene: cooked tomato, watermelon, papaya, guava, persimmon, red pepper
  5. Omega 3 fatty acids: fish oil, salmon, sardine, mackerel, tofu, edamame, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts 
  6. Catechins: Matcha, green tea, dark chocolate, berries
  7. Zinc-rich foods: Pumpkin seeds, legumes
  8. Vit E (50mg/day): sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, leafy greens 
  9. Selenium-rich foods: Brazil nuts, eggs, salmon, pumpkin seeds
  10. Cruciferous Vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bitter vegetables
  11. Vitamin D: 1000-5000 IU/daily or ~15 minutes of sun on the arms, legs, face during midday (10am-2pm), 3-4 times a week
  12. Nutritional supplements: Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle 
  13. Stay active, exercise and maintain healthy weight. Move more and sit less

✖  Avoid/Limit

  • Ultra-processed foods, such as Jam with added sugar,  processed meats, sugary granola bars, microwave popcorn, frozen dinner/pizza, instant noodles, margarine, fried foods, dried fruits 
  • Smoking or excessive alcohol intake
  • Store-bought pickled foods with nitrates or high sodium content 
  • Barbecue or grilled meats
    • Cooking meat over high temperature (ex. Pan-frying, grilling, barbecuing) may produce carcinogenic chemicals 
  • Processed meats with nitrates, such as sausage, bacon, ham, smoked salmon, pepperoni, roast beef  
    • Processed meats with nitrates and nitrites can form nitrosamines (carcinogenic) in the body 
    • Processed meats, especially red meat contain heme iron, which can enhance the formation of carcinogenic compounds (NOCs) in the body 
  • Refined grains, such as white rice, white bread, sugary cereal, regular pasta
  • Excessive intake (more than 3 servings/day) of dairy and calcium 

Nutrition Tips

  • Replace cookies & crackers with veggie sticks & hummus/plain yogurt 
  • Make a veggie omelette/tofu omelette/lentil soup/homemade smoothie for breakfast to boost vegetable intake in AM
  • Eat your vegetables and fruits with healthy fats such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts to maximize nutrient absorption
  • If you have BPH, limit red meat, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods 
    • Excessive intake of red meat is associated with the risk of colorectal cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases 
  • Drink green tea with citrus (such as freshly squeezed lemon juice) to enhance catechins absorption
  • Replace processed meats and red meat with unprocessed, fresh chicken/turkey and have some meatless days with plant proteins
  • Eat a diet high in antioxidants polyphenols and Vitamin C can help reducing the conversion of nitrates and nitrites to nitrosamines 
    • ex. green tea, cocoa powder, berries, red grapes, star anise, flaxseed 



  • 一個大雞蛋含約80卡路里熱量,6克蛋白質
  • 蛋黃富含膽鹼 Choline- 促進大腦健康;  保護肝臟, 協助脂肪從肝臟輸出, 有助於預防非酒精性脂肪肝
  • 蛋黃富含葉黃素 lutein和玉米黃質 zeaxanthin(兩種類胡蘿蔔素)- 保護皮膚健康, 減少與年齡相關的黃斑病變 macular degeneration 和白內障cataracts
  • 棕色殼和白殼雞蛋在營養上沒有差別
  • 一天可以吃幾個雞蛋?  一天吃1至2顆(連同蛋黃)


有機 (USDAOrganic)

  • 母雞必須是無籠飼養 ,並餵食無農藥、無化肥飼料, 有機飼料

富含脂肪酸-3 (Omega-3 Enriched)

  • 飼料中加入富含脂肪酸-3的亞麻籽、藻類或魚油
  • 每隻蛋的Omega-3含量可達350毫克(普通雞蛋是30毫克)
  • 脂肪酸-3: 抗炎, 保護心臟和大腦健康, 提昇情緒

認證人道 (Certified Humane)

  • 母雞不能關在籠子裡

無籠 (Cage Free)

  • 母雞不生活在籠中, 但生活在穀倉平均活動空間有限。
  • Cage Free + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約1平方英尺活動空間

放養 (Free Range)

  • 有雞舍,但可以隨時到外邊溜躂 (走地雞), 但室外空間可能有限。
  • Free Range + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約2平方英尺活動空間

牧場 (Pasture-Raised)

  • Pasture-Raised + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞至少有108平方英尺活動空間
  • 母雞生長在土地上, 有空間來活動,以確保獲取新鮮食物及富含omega-3的飼料 , 可以生產出營養價值甚高的雞蛋。
  • 牧場飼養雞蛋有更多營養,更少脂肪,提供健腦,抗癌,骨骼的幫助,並維持皮膚所需要的維生素和礦物質。
  • 一顆牧場飼養的雞蛋與籠養雞蛋相比:
    • 所含的omega-3脂肪含量多出2倍 
    • 維生素A多三分之二
    • 維生素E多3倍
    • 維生素D增加4倍
    • Β-胡蘿蔔素(抗癌抗氧化劑)多7倍
    • 膽固醇含量低33%,飽和脂肪少25%


  • 建議睡眠時間: 每晚7-9個小時
  • 睡眠品質: 若深層睡眠佔整體睡眠時間的15%至20%,就算是正常範圍 (可以使用 “Sleep Cycle” 睡眠週期免費 App 觀察)


✅ 選擇

  • 多吃一些富含鎂的食物, 例如:
    • 菠菜, 杏仁,牛油果,香蕉,黑巧克力,酸奶
  • 多吃一些富含鈣的食物, 例如:
    • 小魚乾, 黑芝麻, 蝦米, 西蘭花, 杏仁, 紫菜, 深色蔬菜, 酸奶
  • 多吃一些富含維生素B6的食物, 例如:
    • 瘦肉,草食牛肉,開心果,牛油果,葵花籽,芝麻
  • 補充維生素 D (10am-2pm 陽光下曬10-30分鐘, 維生素 D3)
  • 運動- 每周至少鍛煉150分鐘
  • 控制體重

❌ 避免

  • 下午2pm 點後避免咖啡、茶、可樂, 巧克力
  • 下午4pm 點後避免午睡


✅ 選擇

  • 多吃一些富含褪黑激素的食物, 例如:
    • 香蕉, 酸櫻桃
    • 蘆筍, 番茄, 蘿蔔, 西蘭花, 黃瓜, 薑
    • 麥皮
  • 多吃一些含色胺酸 (Tryptophan)的食物, 例如:
    • 堅果, 芝麻, 瓜子, 嘉種子(Chia Seeds) 
    • 螺旋藻 (Spirulina) 
    • 酸奶
    • 黑米,糙米, 紅米, 發芽穀物
    • 蛋, 豆類 (非罐頭), 豆腐, 毛豆
    • 野生魚, 雞, 草食牛肉/羊肉 (grass-fed)

❌ 避免

  • 避免辛辣、意大利麵醬, 油膩的食物 (和其他容易引起胃酸反流的食物)
  • 避免含有較高酪胺 (Tyramine) 的食物, 例如:
    • 發酵食品或醃製食品:  醬油,味 (Miso),照燒醬 (Teriyaki) , 加工肉類 (培根 bacon, 火腿、肉鬆, 煙肉及腸仔), 硬芝士 (Aged Cheese, hard cheese)


✅ 選擇

  • 鈣片/鎂在睡前服用 (鎮定, 放鬆身心)
  • 喝加鈣杏仁奶

❌ 避免

  • 避免在睡前喝太多水
  • 避免吃含糖宵夜 (例如: 白麵包,巧克力,果汁, 高糖水果,餅乾, 雪糕)
  • 避免過於激烈的運動
  • 避免喝酒 (抑製大腦進入深度睡眠階段)
  • 不要在床上看電視,玩手機

✅ 選擇助眠營養補充劑, 花茶與精油:

  • 鎂 Magnesium
  • 褪黑激素 Melatonin
  • 纈草根 Valerian Root
  • 西番蓮 Passion Flower- – 減輕焦慮
  • 洋甘菊 (Chamomile)- 補充鈣和鎂
  • 薰衣草 (Lavender)
  • 啤酒花 (Hops)
  • 檸檬香蜂草 (Lemon Balm)