Tag Archives: Nutrition

7-Day Liver Detox Plan before the holidays – The last minute guide to getting into better shape before 2021

When is the best time to start this plan?

NOW, but realistically, check your calendar and pick a week when you don’t anticipate any special events that involve a lot of foods. You can do this before the holidays to rejuvenate your liver and repeat it whenever you are feeling sluggish, lack of concentration, having skin breakout/acne/hyperpigmentation, having bad breath, brain fog, or just to kick start a long-term healthier lifestyle.

Add 1 good habit and abandon 1 bad habit from your lifestyle each day of the detox.

Day 1

Limit your daily eating window to 12 hours. For instance, if you take your first bite of food at 9 am, you would finish your last bite of food of the day by 9 pm. During the fasting period, you can stay hydrated with water and consume unsweetened coffee/tea. 

❌ Avoid Alcohol

Day 2

✅ Lose excess belly fat to lower inflammation and reverse liver damage. Get enough sleep and ramp up your workout: Exercise for 45-60 minutes most days of the week and be more physical active during the day.

❌Avoid added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

  • ex. Diet/regular soda, sugary cereals, sugary yogurt, whipped cream, sweetened condiments such as some teriyaki sauce/spaghetti sauce/soy sauce/honey mustard/ketchup

Day 3

✅ Drink 1-2 cups of Detox juice a day:

    1. Combine 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar + juice 1/2 lemon + ½ teaspoon of raw honey + 8 oz water  and/or
    2. Juice 1 beet + 2 slices of ginger + 3 carrots   

❌ Avoid refined carbs.

  • ex. Bread, pasta, burger

Day 4

✅ Eat 1 serving of choline-rich food a day.

  • ex. Egg, chicken, beef, broccoli, salmon

❌ Avoid refined oils.

  • ex. soybean, safflower, vegetable, canola or sunflower oil

Day 5

✅ Aim for at least 3 cups of vegetables and 1 fruit a day. 

❌ Avoid ultra-processed and packaged foods.

  • ex. instant rices, instant noodles, cold cuts, ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, canned soups, frozen meals/pizza

Day 6

Start your meal by eating half of the veggies> then protein + more veggies > finishing it with carbs.

❌ Avoid fried Foods.

  • ex. French fries, donuts, falafel, churros, arancini, fried chicken, pakora, General Tso’s chicken

Day 7

✅ Practice food and lifestyle changes first, then consider supplements.

  • Supplements for liver health: Milk thistle, Artichoke, Dandelion Root, Curcumin, Vitamin D3, Resveratrol. 

❌ If you have liver disease, stay away from raw or undercooked shellfish.

  • ex. Oysters, calms


💚 Learn how to create/order balanced meals at home or in the restaurants

💚 Are your supplements safe?

10 simple secrets to portion control and healthy eating

Whether you are eating out or meal prepping at home, this portion control guide is a simple and practical way to create balanced meals and build healthy eating habits. 

For each day:

  1. Choose organic, grass-fed, non-GMO, locally-sourced, minimally-processed ingredients whenever possible
  2. Fruits: 2 cupped hand sized portions a day
  3. Eat your biggest meal of the day after workout 
  4. Break up with sugary beverages
  5. Eat until you are 70-80% full
  6. Start your meal by eating half of the veggies> then protein + more veggies > finishing it with carbs

For each meal, you may need (based on your activity level, goals, etc): 

7. Non-starchy veggies: 50% of your plate  (> 2 fist sized portions) 

8. Protein: 20% of your plate ( 1 palm sized portion meat/ fatty fish or 1 hand sized portion lean fish/tofu/legumes)

    • Limit red meat, processed meats (ex. Bacon, hot dogs, ham) 

9. Carbohydrates: 20% of your plate (1-2 cupped hand sized portions)

    • Choose starchy veggies or whole grains 
    • To shred/lose weight: Choose more starchy veggies over whole grains (1 cupped hand sized portion)
    • To build/gain muscle:  40% Carbs (2 cupped hand sized portions); 40% Protein ; 20% Fats ( 2 thumb sized portions) 

10. Healthy fats: 10% of your plate (1-2 thumb sized portions)

Build a Healthy Plate-2020



雖然你可能覺得自己日常不怎麼吃甜食,但你攝入的添加糖分分鐘比你意識到的要多得多。隐形糖潛藏在大多數包裝食品中,麵包, 健康食品, 零食, 酸奶, 玉米片, 醬汁內都含有添加糖。


  • 美國心臟協會(AHA) 建議每天添加糖攝取量:
    • 男性: 最多 9茶匙 (36克 或 150卡路里)
    • 女性: 最多6茶匙 (25克 或 100卡路里)
    • 兒童/青少年 (2-18歲): 少於6茶匙 (< 25克 或 < 100卡路里)
  • 1茶匙糖= 4克(g)糖 ; 營養價值= 0
  • 遵循80/20規則:
    • 80%的時間吃健康食品, 20%的時間吃一些“放縱, 有趣的食物”
  • 看懂食品標籤. 所有成分是按重量降序排列。因此,如果糖是第一到第三種成分, 最好選擇另一種產品。


  • 攝入大量添加糖會增加高血壓,  肥胖, 大肚腩, 脂肪肝, 2型糖尿病, 癌症, 阿爾茨海默病, 中風, 心臟病, 發炎的風險。
  • 添加糖有很多不同的名稱,例如:
    • 糖 Sugar 
    • 花蜜 Agave Nectar
    • 紅糖 Brown sugar 
    • 玉米甜味劑 Corn sweetener
    • “Ose” 拖尾的  (例如: 葡萄糖 Glucose, 果糖 Fructose)
    • 蔗糖 Sucrose, Cane Sugar  
    • 糖漿 Syrup 
    • 玉米糖漿 Corn syrup
    • 高果糖玉米糖漿 High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
    • 蜂蜜 Honey
    • 濃縮果汁 Fruit juice concentrates
    • 麥芽糖漿 Malt syrup 
    • 大麥麥芽提取物 Barley malt extract 
    • 楓糖漿 Maple syrup
    • 原糖蜜 Molasse
    • 等等…
  • ‼️人工代糖: Sucralose  (Splenda 黃色包裝), aspartame (Equal 藍色包裝), Saccharin (Sweet’N Low 粉紅色包裝).
    • 經常吃人工代糖人可能會上瘾, 引發更多的甜食渴望
    • 未知的長期影響, 儘量避免
    • 孕婦兒童遠離
  • 「天然的」代糖從草本植物衍生出來: 羅漢果 (Monk fruit), 甜菊糖(Stevia).
    • 沒有卡路里或糖。
    • 可能產生「0卡路里, 可以多吃其他美」的心理
    • 懷孕婦女和對豚草過敏的 (ragweed allergy)要避免使用
    • 甜菊糖有三種:
      • 甜菊葉甜味劑 (Altered Stevia, ex. Truvia, PureVia, Stevia in the Raw)- 含有不到1%的甜菊葉, 超加工成分. 避免❗️ 
      • 甜葉菊提取物 (stevia extracts)
      • 綠葉甜菊葉 (green leaf stevia): 最自然,副作用最少。
  • 糖醇(Sugar alcohol): 木糖醇(xylitol) , 赤蘚糖醇(Erythritol), 乳糖醇, 山梨糖醇(sorbitol).
    • 糖醇比糖含的熱量少,常見於口香糖中. 身體無法完全吸收,因此對血糖的影響比較小. 然而攝入大量時,容易導致打嗝、肚子脹氣、腹瀉。
  • 比添加糖和人工代糖略安全的天然糖: 原蜂蜜(raw honey), 椰子糖(coconut sugar), 綠葉甜菊葉 (green leaf stevia)-  但仍應慎食


大家要養成看食品標籤的習慣, 別被一些 「健康食品」給騙了! 

很多看似有益的食品, 其實添加糖/壞脂肪/鈉(鹽)含量非常嚇人, 最好少食或選擇其他牌子/食品!

例如名稱中含有:  “有機”, “高纖”, “粗糧”, “非油炸”, “fat free”, “ 0脂肪”, “無麩質”- 如一些酸奶, 包裝蔬果汁,  沙拉醬, 雜糧酥, 糙米卷, 消化餅, 袋裝堅果, 麻辣醬, 豆腐乾, 等等 ‼️

添加糖成分(克 Grams)
水果嚼糖 Hi Chew Fruit Chew Candies2 片6
有機水果軟糖零食 Annie’s Organic Fruit Snacks1 小袋 (29g)11
巧克力夾心餅乾 Oreos2 片~9
無麩質夾心餅乾 Glutino Gluten-Free Cookies2 片14
桂格即食早餐燕麥片 Quaker Oatmeal Cold Cereal1 碗9
有機100%全麦面包 Arnold Organic 100% Whole Grain Bread2 片8
希臘酸奶-桃味 Chobani Greek Yogurt Peach1個 (5.3 oz)9

兒童有機低脂酸奶 StonyField Organic Kids Low Fat Yogurt
1 小袋 (3.5 oz)4
歐米茄3豪華混合堅果Nature’s Garden Omega 3 Deluxe Nut Mix4湯匙9

有機番茄醬 365 Organic Tomato Ketchup
1 湯匙3

有機燒烤醬 365 Organic Barbecue Sauce
1 湯匙4

生麥盧卡蜂蜜 Raw Manuka Honey
1 湯匙16
星巴克星冰樂咖啡 Starbucks Frappuccino, Vanilla
1 瓶 (9.5 fl. oz )
脫脂牛奶南瓜咖啡 Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Swirl Hot Cappuccino with skim milk
細杯10 fl.oz

Is 25g of added sugar a lot? Plus 10 strategies for overcoming cravings

Know Your Limit:

  • The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that women limit their added sugar intake to 6 teaspoons (25 grams or 100 calories) per day,  men should limit their intake to 9 teaspoons (36 grams or 150 calories) per day, while children and teens aged 2-18 should consume less than 6 teaspoons (25 grams or 100 calories) a day
  • 1 teaspoon = 4 grams of sugar 
  • Consume added sugar sparingly (Follow the 80/20 rule)
  • Avoid/limit foods & beverages that list added sugar as the first 3 ingredients (Ingredients are listed in descending order by weight) 

Sneaky Sugar: 

  • Excessive added sugar intake is linked to weight gain, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, inflammation- which increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. 
  • Name of added sugars:
    • Agave nectar
    • Barley malt extract
    • Corn sweetener
    • Fruit juice concentrates
    • Honey
    • Molasses
    • Sugar (brown sugar, cane sugar, malt sugar, raw sugar)
    • Syrup (corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, tapioca syrup)
    • Molecules ending in “ose” (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose)
    • and more… 
  • Artificial sweeteners may have addictive properties. As a result, you may crave more sweets and influence your food choices

How much sugar is in your snack?

Added sugar content in 14 popular products:

ProductsPortionGrams of Added Sugar
Hi Chew Fruit Chew Candies2 pieces6
Annie’s Organic Fruit Snacks1 pouch (29g)11
Oreos2 cookies~9
Glutino Gluten-Free Cookies2 cookies14
Quaker Oatmeal Cold Cereal1 cup9
Arnold Organic 100% Whole Grain Bread2 slices8
Chobani Greek Yogurt Peach1 container (5.3 oz)9
StonyField Organic Kids Low Fat Yogurt1 pouch (3.5 oz)4
Nature’s Garden Omega 3 Deluxe Nut Mix1/4 cup (4 tablespoons)9
365 Organic Tomato Ketchup1 tablespoon3
365 Organic Barbecue Sauce1 tablespoon4
Raw Manuka Honey1 tablespoon16
Starbucks Frappuccino, Vanilla9.5 fl. oz (glass bottle)~31
Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Swirl Hot Cappuccino with skim milk10 fl.oz (small)21

How to stop cravings?

How to stop sugar cravings

4 Bonus Strategies

7. Choose whole or minimally-processed foods 

8. Stay hydrated with 8-15 cups of water a day (depends on your health, environment, activity, if you are breastfeeding, etc)

9. Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night

10. Enjoying your cravings every now and then. If you indulge a little, that’s fine. Just know that you will get back on track as soon as possible ❤️

13 ways to reduce your risk of prostate cancer and BPH

✔ Choose

  1. Plant-based nutrition: The majority of your food choices are minimally processed, whole plant foods. Fill >50% of your daily meals with vegetables, 10% fruits, 15% legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, 25% lean protein such as organic chicken, grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish, organic tofu/edamame
  2. Flaxseed 
  3. Garlic, onion
  4. Lycopene: cooked tomato, watermelon, papaya, guava, persimmon, red pepper
  5. Omega 3 fatty acids: fish oil, salmon, sardine, mackerel, tofu, edamame, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts 
  6. Catechins: Matcha, green tea, dark chocolate, berries
  7. Zinc-rich foods: Pumpkin seeds, legumes
  8. Vit E (50mg/day): sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, leafy greens 
  9. Selenium-rich foods: Brazil nuts, eggs, salmon, pumpkin seeds
  10. Cruciferous Vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bitter vegetables
  11. Vitamin D: 1000-5000 IU/daily or ~15 minutes of sun on the arms, legs, face during midday (10am-2pm), 3-4 times a week
  12. Nutritional supplements: Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle 
  13. Stay active, exercise and maintain healthy weight. Move more and sit less

✖  Avoid/Limit

  • Ultra-processed foods, such as Jam with added sugar,  processed meats, sugary granola bars, microwave popcorn, frozen dinner/pizza, instant noodles, margarine, fried foods, dried fruits 
  • Smoking or excessive alcohol intake
  • Store-bought pickled foods with nitrates or high sodium content 
  • Barbecue or grilled meats
    • Cooking meat over high temperature (ex. Pan-frying, grilling, barbecuing) may produce carcinogenic chemicals 
  • Processed meats with nitrates, such as sausage, bacon, ham, smoked salmon, pepperoni, roast beef  
    • Processed meats with nitrates and nitrites can form nitrosamines (carcinogenic) in the body 
    • Processed meats, especially red meat contain heme iron, which can enhance the formation of carcinogenic compounds (NOCs) in the body 
  • Refined grains, such as white rice, white bread, sugary cereal, regular pasta
  • Excessive intake (more than 3 servings/day) of dairy and calcium 

Nutrition Tips

  • Replace cookies & crackers with veggie sticks & hummus/plain yogurt 
  • Make a veggie omelette/tofu omelette/lentil soup/homemade smoothie for breakfast to boost vegetable intake in AM
  • Eat your vegetables and fruits with healthy fats such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts to maximize nutrient absorption
  • If you have BPH, limit red meat, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods 
    • Excessive intake of red meat is associated with the risk of colorectal cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases 
  • Drink green tea with citrus (such as freshly squeezed lemon juice) to enhance catechins absorption
  • Replace processed meats and red meat with unprocessed, fresh chicken/turkey and have some meatless days with plant proteins
  • Eat a diet high in antioxidants polyphenols and Vitamin C can help reducing the conversion of nitrates and nitrites to nitrosamines 
    • ex. green tea, cocoa powder, berries, red grapes, star anise, flaxseed 



  • 一個大雞蛋含約80卡路里熱量,6克蛋白質
  • 蛋黃富含膽鹼 Choline- 促進大腦健康;  保護肝臟, 協助脂肪從肝臟輸出, 有助於預防非酒精性脂肪肝
  • 蛋黃富含葉黃素 lutein和玉米黃質 zeaxanthin(兩種類胡蘿蔔素)- 保護皮膚健康, 減少與年齡相關的黃斑病變 macular degeneration 和白內障cataracts
  • 棕色殼和白殼雞蛋在營養上沒有差別
  • 一天可以吃幾個雞蛋?  一天吃1至2顆(連同蛋黃)


有機 (USDAOrganic)

  • 母雞必須是無籠飼養 ,並餵食無農藥、無化肥飼料, 有機飼料

富含脂肪酸-3 (Omega-3 Enriched)

  • 飼料中加入富含脂肪酸-3的亞麻籽、藻類或魚油
  • 每隻蛋的Omega-3含量可達350毫克(普通雞蛋是30毫克)
  • 脂肪酸-3: 抗炎, 保護心臟和大腦健康, 提昇情緒

認證人道 (Certified Humane)

  • 母雞不能關在籠子裡

無籠 (Cage Free)

  • 母雞不生活在籠中, 但生活在穀倉平均活動空間有限。
  • Cage Free + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約1平方英尺活動空間

放養 (Free Range)

  • 有雞舍,但可以隨時到外邊溜躂 (走地雞), 但室外空間可能有限。
  • Free Range + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約2平方英尺活動空間

牧場 (Pasture-Raised)

  • Pasture-Raised + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞至少有108平方英尺活動空間
  • 母雞生長在土地上, 有空間來活動,以確保獲取新鮮食物及富含omega-3的飼料 , 可以生產出營養價值甚高的雞蛋。
  • 牧場飼養雞蛋有更多營養,更少脂肪,提供健腦,抗癌,骨骼的幫助,並維持皮膚所需要的維生素和礦物質。
  • 一顆牧場飼養的雞蛋與籠養雞蛋相比:
    • 所含的omega-3脂肪含量多出2倍 
    • 維生素A多三分之二
    • 維生素E多3倍
    • 維生素D增加4倍
    • Β-胡蘿蔔素(抗癌抗氧化劑)多7倍
    • 膽固醇含量低33%,飽和脂肪少25%


  • 建議睡眠時間: 每晚7-9個小時
  • 睡眠品質: 若深層睡眠佔整體睡眠時間的15%至20%,就算是正常範圍 (可以使用 “Sleep Cycle” 睡眠週期免費 App 觀察)


✅ 選擇

  • 多吃一些富含鎂的食物, 例如:
    • 菠菜, 杏仁,牛油果,香蕉,黑巧克力,酸奶
  • 多吃一些富含鈣的食物, 例如:
    • 小魚乾, 黑芝麻, 蝦米, 西蘭花, 杏仁, 紫菜, 深色蔬菜, 酸奶
  • 多吃一些富含維生素B6的食物, 例如:
    • 瘦肉,草食牛肉,開心果,牛油果,葵花籽,芝麻
  • 補充維生素 D (10am-2pm 陽光下曬10-30分鐘, 維生素 D3)
  • 運動- 每周至少鍛煉150分鐘
  • 控制體重

❌ 避免

  • 下午2pm 點後避免咖啡、茶、可樂, 巧克力
  • 下午4pm 點後避免午睡


✅ 選擇

  • 多吃一些富含褪黑激素的食物, 例如:
    • 香蕉, 酸櫻桃
    • 蘆筍, 番茄, 蘿蔔, 西蘭花, 黃瓜, 薑
    • 麥皮
  • 多吃一些含色胺酸 (Tryptophan)的食物, 例如:
    • 堅果, 芝麻, 瓜子, 嘉種子(Chia Seeds) 
    • 螺旋藻 (Spirulina) 
    • 酸奶
    • 黑米,糙米, 紅米, 發芽穀物
    • 蛋, 豆類 (非罐頭), 豆腐, 毛豆
    • 野生魚, 雞, 草食牛肉/羊肉 (grass-fed)

❌ 避免

  • 避免辛辣、意大利麵醬, 油膩的食物 (和其他容易引起胃酸反流的食物)
  • 避免含有較高酪胺 (Tyramine) 的食物, 例如:
    • 發酵食品或醃製食品:  醬油,味 (Miso),照燒醬 (Teriyaki) , 加工肉類 (培根 bacon, 火腿、肉鬆, 煙肉及腸仔), 硬芝士 (Aged Cheese, hard cheese)


✅ 選擇

  • 鈣片/鎂在睡前服用 (鎮定, 放鬆身心)
  • 喝加鈣杏仁奶

❌ 避免

  • 避免在睡前喝太多水
  • 避免吃含糖宵夜 (例如: 白麵包,巧克力,果汁, 高糖水果,餅乾, 雪糕)
  • 避免過於激烈的運動
  • 避免喝酒 (抑製大腦進入深度睡眠階段)
  • 不要在床上看電視,玩手機

✅ 選擇助眠營養補充劑, 花茶與精油:

  • 鎂 Magnesium
  • 褪黑激素 Melatonin
  • 纈草根 Valerian Root
  • 西番蓮 Passion Flower- – 減輕焦慮
  • 洋甘菊 (Chamomile)- 補充鈣和鎂
  • 薰衣草 (Lavender)
  • 啤酒花 (Hops)
  • 檸檬香蜂草 (Lemon Balm)


  1. 飲食應以均衡、多樣化為目標,建議每日至少攝取4份蔬菜與1份水果,且最好滿足紅、綠、黃、白、紫等多色選擇,吸收不同營養. 每餐先吃足量蔬菜、再攝取魚類、肉類等蛋白質,最後吃飯,以滿足各類營養需求。
  2. 飲食少油、少糖並戒酒
    • 飲食減油 (特別是精製油❗️)、減糖有助控制體重、改善脂肪肝問題,戒酒亦可避免肝臟過勞,以維護肝臟健康。
  3. 少吃加工食品
    • 醃製品、煙燻肉類, 薯片, 午餐肉或油炸食品都可能在製作過程產生有毒物質,增加肝臟代謝負擔,故建議做好減少食用。
  4. 不吃來路不明的藥品/保健食品
  5. 補充有效的護肝營養品 (選擇藥品等級的或茶):
    • 奶薊 (Milk Thistle)
    • 薑黃 (Turmeric)
    • 蒲公英根 (Dandelion Root)
    • 牛蒡根 (Burdock root)
    • 維他命 D3
    • 白藜蘆醇 (Resveratrol)
    • 薑黃素 (Curcumin)
  6. 每週2杯排毒飲料: 看下面的餵食貓料理:DIY 養生蘋果醋排毒果汁 🍹
  7. 少吃精製穀物 (如:白麵包,白飯)
  8. 每天食用一些富含膽鹼 Choline 的食物 (如:雞蛋,雞肉,牛肉,三文魚,西蘭花,豆類)
  9. 避免生或未煮熟的貝類(如有脂肪肝, 生蠔和生蠔蛤絕對是禁忌)
  10. 每週鍛煉/運動, 注意飲食份量, 控制體重和腰圍 📍


1份水果🍒 =

  • 半個大型水果(如:香蕉、西柚、楊桃, 芒果)
  • 半碗粒狀水果(如:藍莓, 提子, 車厘子、士多啤梨)
  • 半碗水果塊(如:西瓜、蜜瓜)
  • 2個小型水果(如:布冧、奇異果)
  • 1個中型水果(如:橙、蘋果, 牛油果)
  • 1湯匙無添加糖或鹽的果乾(如:提子乾、西梅乾, 枸杞)
  • 3⁄4杯無添加糖的純果汁(如:鮮橙汁連果肉)

1份蔬菜 🥒 =

  • 1碗未經烹調的葉菜(如:生菜、紫椰菜, 羽衣甘藍, 菠菜)
  • 半碗煮熟的蔬菜、芽菜、瓜類或菇類(如:西蘭花, 椰菜花, 菜心、芥蘭、菠菜、白菜、豆芽、茄子)
  • 1 杯無添加糖或鹽的純蔬菜汁(如:新鮮番茄汁連渣)
  • 2根芹菜莖
  • 5根蘆筍
  • 10 個球芽甘藍
  • 1個大紅燈籠椒

✳️  日常飲食中作為澱粉質主要來源的植物(如馬鈴薯, 甜菜頭, 胡蘿蔔, 玉米, 豆類, 荷蘭豆, 南瓜, 芋頭, 冬瓜),不適合計算在「每日4蔬1果」的蔬菜之中。

❇️  有機蔬果採用生物農藥 (天然農藥); 其他蔬果採用化學合成農藥


  • 菜籽油 (Canola Oil)
  •  植物油 (Vegetable Oil)
  •  黃豆油 (Soybean Oil)
  •  紅花油 (Safflower Oil)
  • 玉米油 (Corn Oil)
  • 人造黃油 (Margarine, Crisco)


研究發現,體重正常但腰圍大於35寸女性/40寸的男性仍然有更高患脂肪肝, 糖尿病, 和高血壓的風險)

metabolic syndrome
metabolic syndrome
detox tea
healthy snacks, energy balls, snacks, protein balls, post-workout snacks, pre-workout snacks

Healthy Snack recipe: Fudge Power Protein Balls + Garden of Life Raw Meal and Fit Protein Powder Review

According to studies, keeping a flow of working 52 minutes at a time and taking frequent healthy work breaks may boost productivity. Try to make this 15-minute no bake healthy protein balls during your next meeting break to also boost your nutrition, refresh the mind & creativity, and reduce stress.

Check out the step-by-step video instructions: Protein Balls VLOG recipe

Garden of Life Raw Organic Meal (Chocolate)

  • Packed with 44 superfoods
  • 20 g of clean protein per scoop from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, 7g of Organic Fiber, 1.5 billions probiotics & enzymes (promotes gut health), plus 21 vitamins and minerals.
  • 56% Protein.  RAW protein—since heat and processing can denature proteins.
  • Free of gluten, soy, dairy, tree nuts, filler ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. 
  • Less than 1 g of sugar
  • Suitable for those with lactose intolerance or sensitive to whey (ex. bloating/flatulence)
  • Delicious and simple way to sneak in nutrients fast
  • Keep you full for hours to support weight management 
  • Can be combined with other healthy foods to replace small meals/snacks to support a healthy weight 

Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit

  • 28 g of clean protein per scoop from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, 8g of Organic Fiber, 3 billions probiotics & enzymes (promotes gut health)
  • 61% Protein.  RAW protein—since heat and processing can denature proteins. Higher protein and fiber to keep you full longer
  • With added Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract, cinnamon), and Chromium to help maintain blood sugar levels and build lean muscle mass when combined with proper exercise
  • With added organic Ashwagandha to help combat stress, boost energy & metabolism, improve sleep quality, and may help fight cravings
  • With added 5g of naturally occurring branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to help build lean muscle mass
  • Free of soy, dairy, added sugars, filler ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. 
  • Suitable for those with lactose intolerance or sensitive to whey (ex. bloating/flatulence)
  • Delicious 
  • Less than 1 g of sugar

Related: Inc. Productivity 

養生茶, bedtime tea

Healthy late-night snack: Best Bedtime Tea to promote better sleep quality, everyday detox, and skin health

Bedtime Tea
bedtime tea

Bedtime Detox Tea

Bedtime Tea for better sleep, everyday detox, skin health, and more
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 18 minutes
Resting Time 5 minutes
Total Time 21 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine Chinese
Servings 2 people


  • 4 cups Water
  • 6 pieces Jujubes (red dates)
  • 1 handful Goji berres
  • 2 bags Dandy Liver Detox Tea
  • 2 tsp Raw honey
  • 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Egg (optional)
  • 1 drop  Astragalus (or 3 slices of dried Astragalus root) (optional)
  • 3 pieces Dried longans (optional)


  • Boil water in a medium pot
  • Wash jujubes, goji berries, dried astragalus root (optional), and dried longans (optional)
  • Place jujubes, dried astragalus root (optional), and dried longans (optional) into pot. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 15 minutes
  • (Optional): Carefully drop the egg into the center of the whirlpool and let it poach for 3 minutes
  • Turn off heat. Add teabags and goji berries. Cover pot and let it steep for 5-10 minutes
  • Stir in raw honey and apple cider vinegar. Serve warm


  • Longan is used to calm the mind, support sleep & digestion in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
  • Organic Jujube/Dried dates 
  • Organic Goji berries Since the vitamins in goji berries are water-soluble, you can also chew them directly without soaking into hot water to maximize nutrient absorption. Soaking goji berries into hot water can soften the dried berries.
  • Local raw honey may alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms.
  • 1 egg = 6 grams of protein = can help balance blood sugar level and promote better sleep
  • Dandy Liver Detox Tea (dandelion root, milk thistle seed, lemon peel, and more)
  • Astragalus = Immune booster
Keyword bedtime, bedtime snack, bedtime tea, detox, healthy recipes, healthy snack, sleep better, sleepaid, tea