
  1. 飲食應以均衡、多樣化為目標,建議每日至少攝取4份蔬菜與1份水果,且最好滿足紅、綠、黃、白、紫等多色選擇,吸收不同營養. 每餐先吃足量蔬菜、再攝取魚類、肉類等蛋白質,最後吃飯,以滿足各類營養需求。
  2. 飲食少油、少糖並戒酒
    • 飲食減油 (特別是精製油❗️)、減糖有助控制體重、改善脂肪肝問題,戒酒亦可避免肝臟過勞,以維護肝臟健康。
  3. 少吃加工食品
    • 醃製品、煙燻肉類, 薯片, 午餐肉或油炸食品都可能在製作過程產生有毒物質,增加肝臟代謝負擔,故建議做好減少食用。
  4. 不吃來路不明的藥品/保健食品
  5. 補充有效的護肝營養品 (選擇藥品等級的或茶):
    • 奶薊 (Milk Thistle)
    • 薑黃 (Turmeric)
    • 蒲公英根 (Dandelion Root)
    • 牛蒡根 (Burdock root)
    • 維他命 D3
    • 白藜蘆醇 (Resveratrol)
    • 薑黃素 (Curcumin)
  6. 每週2杯排毒飲料: 看下面的餵食貓料理:DIY 養生蘋果醋排毒果汁 🍹
  7. 少吃精製穀物 (如:白麵包,白飯)
  8. 每天食用一些富含膽鹼 Choline 的食物 (如:雞蛋,雞肉,牛肉,三文魚,西蘭花,豆類)
  9. 避免生或未煮熟的貝類(如有脂肪肝, 生蠔和生蠔蛤絕對是禁忌)
  10. 每週鍛煉/運動, 注意飲食份量, 控制體重和腰圍 📍


1份水果🍒 =

  • 半個大型水果(如:香蕉、西柚、楊桃, 芒果)
  • 半碗粒狀水果(如:藍莓, 提子, 車厘子、士多啤梨)
  • 半碗水果塊(如:西瓜、蜜瓜)
  • 2個小型水果(如:布冧、奇異果)
  • 1個中型水果(如:橙、蘋果, 牛油果)
  • 1湯匙無添加糖或鹽的果乾(如:提子乾、西梅乾, 枸杞)
  • 3⁄4杯無添加糖的純果汁(如:鮮橙汁連果肉)

1份蔬菜 🥒 =

  • 1碗未經烹調的葉菜(如:生菜、紫椰菜, 羽衣甘藍, 菠菜)
  • 半碗煮熟的蔬菜、芽菜、瓜類或菇類(如:西蘭花, 椰菜花, 菜心、芥蘭、菠菜、白菜、豆芽、茄子)
  • 1 杯無添加糖或鹽的純蔬菜汁(如:新鮮番茄汁連渣)
  • 2根芹菜莖
  • 5根蘆筍
  • 10 個球芽甘藍
  • 1個大紅燈籠椒

✳️  日常飲食中作為澱粉質主要來源的植物(如馬鈴薯, 甜菜頭, 胡蘿蔔, 玉米, 豆類, 荷蘭豆, 南瓜, 芋頭, 冬瓜),不適合計算在「每日4蔬1果」的蔬菜之中。

❇️  有機蔬果採用生物農藥 (天然農藥); 其他蔬果採用化學合成農藥



  • 菜籽油 (Canola Oil)
  •  植物油 (Vegetable Oil)
  •  黃豆油 (Soybean Oil)
  •  紅花油 (Safflower Oil)
  • 玉米油 (Corn Oil)
  • 人造黃油 (Margarine, Crisco)


研究發現,體重正常但腰圍大於35寸女性/40寸的男性仍然有更高患脂肪肝, 糖尿病, 和高血壓的風險)

metabolic syndrome
metabolic syndrome
detox tea
healthy snacks, energy balls, snacks, protein balls, post-workout snacks, pre-workout snacks

Healthy Snack recipe: Fudge Power Protein Balls + Garden of Life Raw Meal and Fit Protein Powder Review

According to studies, keeping a flow of working 52 minutes at a time and taking frequent healthy work breaks may boost productivity. Try to make this 15-minute no bake healthy protein balls during your next meeting break to also boost your nutrition, refresh the mind & creativity, and reduce stress.

Check out the step-by-step video instructions: Protein Balls VLOG recipe

Garden of Life Raw Organic Meal (Chocolate)

  • Packed with 44 superfoods
  • 20 g of clean protein per scoop from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, 7g of Organic Fiber, 1.5 billions probiotics & enzymes (promotes gut health), plus 21 vitamins and minerals.
  • 56% Protein.  RAW protein—since heat and processing can denature proteins.
  • Free of gluten, soy, dairy, tree nuts, filler ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. 
  • Less than 1 g of sugar
  • Suitable for those with lactose intolerance or sensitive to whey (ex. bloating/flatulence)
  • Delicious and simple way to sneak in nutrients fast
  • Keep you full for hours to support weight management 
  • Can be combined with other healthy foods to replace small meals/snacks to support a healthy weight 

Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit

  • 28 g of clean protein per scoop from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, 8g of Organic Fiber, 3 billions probiotics & enzymes (promotes gut health)
  • 61% Protein.  RAW protein—since heat and processing can denature proteins. Higher protein and fiber to keep you full longer
  • With added Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract, cinnamon), and Chromium to help maintain blood sugar levels and build lean muscle mass when combined with proper exercise
  • With added organic Ashwagandha to help combat stress, boost energy & metabolism, improve sleep quality, and may help fight cravings
  • With added 5g of naturally occurring branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to help build lean muscle mass
  • Free of soy, dairy, added sugars, filler ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. 
  • Suitable for those with lactose intolerance or sensitive to whey (ex. bloating/flatulence)
  • Delicious 
  • Less than 1 g of sugar

Related: Inc. Productivity 

養生茶, bedtime tea

Healthy late-night snack: Best Bedtime Tea to promote better sleep quality, everyday detox, and skin health

Bedtime Tea
bedtime tea

Bedtime Detox Tea

Bedtime Tea for better sleep, everyday detox, skin health, and more
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 18 minutes
Resting Time 5 minutes
Total Time 21 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine Chinese
Servings 2 people


  • 4 cups Water
  • 6 pieces Jujubes (red dates)
  • 1 handful Goji berres
  • 2 bags Dandy Liver Detox Tea
  • 2 tsp Raw honey
  • 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Egg (optional)
  • 1 drop  Astragalus (or 3 slices of dried Astragalus root) (optional)
  • 3 pieces Dried longans (optional)


  • Boil water in a medium pot
  • Wash jujubes, goji berries, dried astragalus root (optional), and dried longans (optional)
  • Place jujubes, dried astragalus root (optional), and dried longans (optional) into pot. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 15 minutes
  • (Optional): Carefully drop the egg into the center of the whirlpool and let it poach for 3 minutes
  • Turn off heat. Add teabags and goji berries. Cover pot and let it steep for 5-10 minutes
  • Stir in raw honey and apple cider vinegar. Serve warm


  • Longan is used to calm the mind, support sleep & digestion in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 
  • Organic Jujube/Dried dates 
  • Organic Goji berries Since the vitamins in goji berries are water-soluble, you can also chew them directly without soaking into hot water to maximize nutrient absorption. Soaking goji berries into hot water can soften the dried berries.  
  • Local raw honey may alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms.
  • 1 egg = 6 grams of protein = can help balance blood sugar level and promote better sleep 
  • Dandy Liver Detox Tea (dandelion root, milk thistle seed, lemon peel, and more)
  • Astragalus = Immune booster 
Keyword bedtime, bedtime snack, bedtime tea, detox, healthy recipes, healthy snack, sleep better, sleepaid, tea
bedtime tea

養生食療: 安神茶

養生茶, bedtime tea

睡前喝養生茶,安眠之余,还能養生健胃, 明目, 促進排毒 🌺

睡前喝養生茶,安眠之余,还能養生健胃, 明目, 促進排毒


  1. 洗淨紅栆 (每人3-5粒,可加3粒龍眼肉/桂圓)
  2. 大火燒開後,改小火,燜煮15分鐘
  3. 也可以加3粒龍眼肉/桂圓在湯鍋內一起煮 (😴更有安神助眠功效)
  4. 也可以在燜煮的最後5分鐘加一隻雞蛋。1隻雞蛋=6克蛋白質➡️可以幫助平衡血糖和幫助你睡得更好
  5. 也可以加一些北芪 (媽咪說 💁🏻 : 能健脾補氣)
  6. 關火後加杞子20g. 蓋上鍋蓋浸泡5分鐘(🍒 杞子也可以不加熱直接嚼吃,吸收全部養分。水溶性的維生素多少都會遇熱流失一些營養。)
  7. 加排毒茶包 (蒲公英,奶薊,檸檬皮. ✅$3.92/20袋茶包)
  8. 如果只放杞子,紅棗,排毒茶,可以加1匙蘋果醋和1匙原始蜂蜜 (本地原始蜂蜜Local Raw Honey 可有效減輕花粉過敏症狀-按這裡看詳細文章)(蜂蜜用溫水攪拌, 熱水會破壞其營養成分)
red app
扫码免費下载小红书app ➡️ 關住我的視頻 ✅看我其他的營養短片
bedtime tea


健康情報: 有人問我在昨天分享「抗癌食譜」高蛋白發芽種子奶昔視頻中使用的生命花園有機代餐營養粉 (Raw Organic Meal) 和我以前分享過的生命花園有機塑形蛋白粉 (Raw Oragnic Fit) 有什麼區別? 


生命花園有機代餐 (Garden of Life Raw Organic Meal): 

  • 含有44種天然食物營養, 比 Fit多了20多种蔬果成分
  • 每勺含20克優質蛋白質,還包括蔬菜,健康脂肪,7克有機纖維,1.5億益生菌/酶 (促進消化健康)以及21種維生素和礦物質
  • 蛋白质含量高达56%
  • 作为蛋白质来源的發芽種子有13種
  • 不含麩質/農藥/人工色素/甜味劑/防腐劑等添加物
  • 口感细腻而易冲泡
  • 無減脂功能,但可搭配其他健康食物代替日常一餐或下午茶以控制體重
  • 或將其作添加餐補充營養
  • 也適宜對牛奶, 乳清胃腸敏感的人
  • 原始蛋白-因為加熱和加工會使蛋白質變性

生命花園有機塑形蛋白粉 (Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit):

  • 口感, 主要成分相像, 作为蛋白质来源的發芽種子有十數種多
  • 也適宜對牛奶, 乳清胃腸敏感的人
  • 额外添加了绿咖啡豆提取物 (Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract), 有機肉桂(cinnamon), 铬 (Chromium),利于维持健康血糖水平,配合运动可帮助减脂和建立瘦肌肉
  • 额外添加了有機印度人參(Ashwagandha) : 幫助對抗壓力、提升體能及新陳代謝, 對抗食物渴望, 提高睡眠質素
  • 提供5克天然的支鏈氨基酸(BCAA): 增肌. 减脂塑形
  • 每勺含28克優質蛋白質,還包括蔬菜,健康脂肪,8克有機纖維,3億益生菌/酶 (促進消化健康)
  • 其蛋白质含量为61%,膳食纤维约占总量的1/5,因而饱腹感较佳
  • 原始蛋白-因為加熱和加工會使蛋白質變性

Latte, Latte Art



  1. 老年癡呆症
  2. 肝病(脂肪肝,肝硬化,肝癌)
  3. 充血性心力衰竭
  4. II型糖尿病
  5. 中風
  6. 帕金森氏症
  7. 前列腺癌
  8. 抑鬱症
  9. 多種癌症
  10. 過早死亡


  • 長壽
  • 認知功能和記憶
  • 好心情
  • 減肥

温馨提示 ☕️ :

  • 喝咖啡的最佳時間是早餐後
  • 早上喝咖啡還能刺激腸胃蠕動, 幫助排便。由於咖啡可產生通便作用
  • 少喝速溶咖啡/三合一咖啡,因其添加物多, 对健康不利
  • 黑咖啡最好, 也可以用無糖杏仁奶取代奶精; 不加糖或用蜂蜜取代代糖/砂糖
  • 使用密實容器或真空密封袋儲存咖啡豆以保持新鮮
  • 淺焙 (Light Roast)=最多抗氧化劑, 口感偏酸深焙 (Dark Roast)=較
    少抗氧化劑; 中焙咖啡 (Medium Roast)= 中等抗氧化劑, 清新芬芳
  • 咖啡現磨現喝,以提高風味和抗氧化劑
  • 咖啡豆研磨細一點,可獲得比較多抗氧化物
  • 晚餐喝酒後, 第二天早上可多喝一杯咖啡護肝
  • 使用無化學濾紙 (Chemical-Free Paper Filter) 或法式壓濾機 (French Press)
  • 本身有高血脂/膽固醇症狀的人,最好採用濾紙沖泡咖啡可以過濾掉咖啡中多數咖啡油脂 
    • 有家族性高膽固醇血症的人 (Familial Hypercholesterolemia) 少喝

關於咖啡的一些有趣信息☕️ :

  • 咖啡是美國飲食中抗氧化劑的主要來源
  • 常見食品和飲料中的ORAC得分(每100g 測試項目中的抗氧化劑值):
    • 咖啡:2780
    • 梅洛紅葡萄酒 (Merlot):2607
    • 藍莓:4669
    • 菠菜:1513
    • 薑黃:127068
    • 橙汁:726
  • 咖啡中的主要抗氧化劑:綠原酸 (酸香苦澀)
  • 8盎司咖啡= 95毫克咖啡因
    • FDA評估健康的成年人每天最多攝取400毫克咖啡因(約4杯或5杯咖啡)
    • 對咖啡因比較敏感及其代謝緩慢不要喝超過200毫克咖啡因
    • 攝取太多咖啡因, 可能有負面影響。例如:
      • 產生依賴,愈喝愈累,一旦停喝產生戒斷症狀,如頭痛、疲倦、憂鬱、煩躁、噁心等不適反應。
coffee, toxic-free coffee, best coffee beans

Purity Coffee 純度牌優質咖啡☕️:

  • 高端,富含抗氧化劑,無毒,經過認證的有機咖啡
  • 經過測試和比較了49個頂級咖啡品牌(包括星巴克,Lavazza,illy,Trader Joe’s,Bulletproof,Equal Exchange,Seattle’s Best,Dunkin Donuts,Life Extension等):
    • 具有最高的抗氧化劑水平(多出2到10倍)
    • 咖啡因含量低於平均水平
    • 不包含60%的其他咖啡所具有的有害毒素
  • 「手工挑豆」,將影響風味和健康的缺陷豆一一剔除
  • 無毒: 無黴菌 (赭麴毒素, 黃麴毒素類)
    • 喝咖啡時出現喉嚨酸澀等不適症狀,可能是因為遇到劣質咖啡豆
  • 每年從不同地區或農場採購最優質的咖啡豆(最佳1%),以確保純度和更高的抗氧化劑水平
  • 每週新鮮烘烤,以最大程度地提高健康, 您收到的咖啡豆都是在3天內新鮮烘
    • 其他品牌的咖啡豆通常在您購買前6到8個月就已烘烤過
      • 陳舊的咖啡:農藥,黴菌 (油變酸)
  • 氮氣沖洗過的袋子和 k杯可防止氧化
  • 口味極佳:
    • 咖啡專家特雷西·艾倫(Tracy Allen)的評論:“由於咖啡的質量,可可,英國核桃仁和檸檬酸水果的風味明顯共鳴
coffee, toxic-free coffee, best coffee
連結Purity Coffee 純度牌 > 使用營養師折扣碼: IWONG20 享受免費送貨和20%的折扣
Latte, Latte Art

Not all coffee beans are created equal

Top 10 Health Benefits of moderate coffee consumption ☕☕☕

Moderate coffee consumption (~ 3 cups per day) is associated with a lower risk of:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Liver Disease (fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer )
  • Congestive Heart Failure
  • Type II diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Premature Death
  • Depression
  • Multiple kinds of Cancer 

Moderate coffee consumption may also promote/improve:

  •  Longevity
  • Cognitive function and memory
  • Mood
  • Weight loss
coffee, toxic-free coffee, best coffee beans

Purity Coffee☕: 

  • High-end, Antioxidant-rich, Toxic-free, Certified organic coffee 
  • Tested against out of 49 of the top brands (including Starbucks, Lavazza, illy, Trader Joe’s , Bulletproof,  Equal Exchange, Seattle’s Best , Dunkin’ Donuts, Life Extension, etc)  and have the highest level of antioxidants (2-10x more)
  • Source only the highest quality beans (top 1%) year to year from different region or farm to ensure purity and higher antioxidant levels
  • Fresh beans.  Roast weekly for maximum health benefits and taste
  • Use nitrogen flushed bag and k-cups to prevent oxidation (fresh until you open the bag).
  • Exceptional Taste 
    • Here’s what coffee expert Tracy Allen had to say about Purity Organic Coffee: “Due to the quality of the coffee, the flavor notes of cocoa, English walnuts and citric fruits resonated clearly”

5 Fun Coffee Facts ☕:

  1. Coffee is a top source of antioxidants in the American diet
  2. ORAC scores (antioxidant values in 100 g of the tested items) in some common foods & beverages:
    • Coffee: 2780
    • Red Merlot wine: 2607
    • Blueberries: 4669
    • Spinach: 1513 
    • Turmeric: 127068 
    • Orange juice: 726
  3. Main antioxidant in coffee: Chlorogenic acids
  4. Light roasted = More antioxidants; Dark roasted = Less antioxidants
  5. 8oz of coffee= ~95 mg caffeine 
    • According to FDA “For healthy adults, the FDA has cited 400 milligrams a day—that’s about four or five cups of coffee—as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects. However, there is wide variation in both how sensitive people are to the effects of caffeine and how fast they metabolize it”


  • Drink an additional morning cup of Joe after a night of drinking alcohol 
  • Use a chemical-free paper filter or french press
  • Filters can remove some of the coffee oil (if you are watching your cholesterol or triglyceride levels) 
  • Use an air tight container or vacuum-sealed bag to store coffee beans to maintain freshness
  • Grind coffee just before you brew it to maximize taste and antioxidants
  • Limit coffee consumption for those with familial hypercholesterolemia 
  • Avoid/limit caffeine for those with caffeine sensitivity 

P.S. ☕

🌻Purity Coffee are showing their appreciation to those on the frontline of the pandemic. “We have been matching all coffee ordered by new customers this past April and gifting it to medical workers across the country. We still have a ton of coffee donations queued for shipment, but so far we’ve been able to send out over $20,000 worth of coffee to doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and first responders throughout the United State”s.🌹

coffee, toxic-free coffee, best coffee
Visit PurityCoffee and Use Code: IWONG20 for 20% off + Free Shipping
Upgrade Today!

RELATED: Check out my VLOG review