Tag Archives: Healthy eating

10 simple secrets to portion control and healthy eating

Whether you are eating out or meal prepping at home, this portion control guide is a simple and practical way to create balanced meals and build healthy eating habits. 

For each day:

  1. Choose organic, grass-fed, non-GMO, locally-sourced, minimally-processed ingredients whenever possible
  2. Fruits: 2 cupped hand sized portions a day
  3. Eat your biggest meal of the day after workout 
  4. Break up with sugary beverages
  5. Eat until you are 70-80% full
  6. Start your meal by eating half of the veggies> then protein + more veggies > finishing it with carbs

For each meal, you may need (based on your activity level, goals, etc): 

7. Non-starchy veggies: 50% of your plate  (> 2 fist sized portions) 

8. Protein: 20% of your plate ( 1 palm sized portion meat/ fatty fish or 1 hand sized portion lean fish/tofu/legumes)

    • Limit red meat, processed meats (ex. Bacon, hot dogs, ham) 

9. Carbohydrates: 20% of your plate (1-2 cupped hand sized portions)

    • Choose starchy veggies or whole grains 
    • To shred/lose weight: Choose more starchy veggies over whole grains (1 cupped hand sized portion)
    • To build/gain muscle:  40% Carbs (2 cupped hand sized portions); 40% Protein ; 20% Fats ( 2 thumb sized portions) 

10. Healthy fats: 10% of your plate (1-2 thumb sized portions)

Build a Healthy Plate-2020

13 ways to reduce your risk of prostate cancer and BPH

✔ Choose

  1. Plant-based nutrition: The majority of your food choices are minimally processed, whole plant foods. Fill >50% of your daily meals with vegetables, 10% fruits, 15% legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, 25% lean protein such as organic chicken, grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish, organic tofu/edamame
  2. Flaxseed 
  3. Garlic, onion
  4. Lycopene: cooked tomato, watermelon, papaya, guava, persimmon, red pepper
  5. Omega 3 fatty acids: fish oil, salmon, sardine, mackerel, tofu, edamame, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts 
  6. Catechins: Matcha, green tea, dark chocolate, berries
  7. Zinc-rich foods: Pumpkin seeds, legumes
  8. Vit E (50mg/day): sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, leafy greens 
  9. Selenium-rich foods: Brazil nuts, eggs, salmon, pumpkin seeds
  10. Cruciferous Vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bitter vegetables
  11. Vitamin D: 1000-5000 IU/daily or ~15 minutes of sun on the arms, legs, face during midday (10am-2pm), 3-4 times a week
  12. Nutritional supplements: Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle 
  13. Stay active, exercise and maintain healthy weight. Move more and sit less

✖  Avoid/Limit

  • Ultra-processed foods, such as Jam with added sugar,  processed meats, sugary granola bars, microwave popcorn, frozen dinner/pizza, instant noodles, margarine, fried foods, dried fruits 
  • Smoking or excessive alcohol intake
  • Store-bought pickled foods with nitrates or high sodium content 
  • Barbecue or grilled meats
    • Cooking meat over high temperature (ex. Pan-frying, grilling, barbecuing) may produce carcinogenic chemicals 
  • Processed meats with nitrates, such as sausage, bacon, ham, smoked salmon, pepperoni, roast beef  
    • Processed meats with nitrates and nitrites can form nitrosamines (carcinogenic) in the body 
    • Processed meats, especially red meat contain heme iron, which can enhance the formation of carcinogenic compounds (NOCs) in the body 
  • Refined grains, such as white rice, white bread, sugary cereal, regular pasta
  • Excessive intake (more than 3 servings/day) of dairy and calcium 

Nutrition Tips

  • Replace cookies & crackers with veggie sticks & hummus/plain yogurt 
  • Make a veggie omelette/tofu omelette/lentil soup/homemade smoothie for breakfast to boost vegetable intake in AM
  • Eat your vegetables and fruits with healthy fats such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts to maximize nutrient absorption
  • If you have BPH, limit red meat, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods 
    • Excessive intake of red meat is associated with the risk of colorectal cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases 
  • Drink green tea with citrus (such as freshly squeezed lemon juice) to enhance catechins absorption
  • Replace processed meats and red meat with unprocessed, fresh chicken/turkey and have some meatless days with plant proteins
  • Eat a diet high in antioxidants polyphenols and Vitamin C can help reducing the conversion of nitrates and nitrites to nitrosamines 
    • ex. green tea, cocoa powder, berries, red grapes, star anise, flaxseed 



  • 一個大雞蛋含約80卡路里熱量,6克蛋白質
  • 蛋黃富含膽鹼 Choline- 促進大腦健康;  保護肝臟, 協助脂肪從肝臟輸出, 有助於預防非酒精性脂肪肝
  • 蛋黃富含葉黃素 lutein和玉米黃質 zeaxanthin(兩種類胡蘿蔔素)- 保護皮膚健康, 減少與年齡相關的黃斑病變 macular degeneration 和白內障cataracts
  • 棕色殼和白殼雞蛋在營養上沒有差別
  • 一天可以吃幾個雞蛋?  一天吃1至2顆(連同蛋黃)


有機 (USDAOrganic)

  • 母雞必須是無籠飼養 ,並餵食無農藥、無化肥飼料, 有機飼料

富含脂肪酸-3 (Omega-3 Enriched)

  • 飼料中加入富含脂肪酸-3的亞麻籽、藻類或魚油
  • 每隻蛋的Omega-3含量可達350毫克(普通雞蛋是30毫克)
  • 脂肪酸-3: 抗炎, 保護心臟和大腦健康, 提昇情緒

認證人道 (Certified Humane)

  • 母雞不能關在籠子裡

無籠 (Cage Free)

  • 母雞不生活在籠中, 但生活在穀倉平均活動空間有限。
  • Cage Free + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約1平方英尺活動空間

放養 (Free Range)

  • 有雞舍,但可以隨時到外邊溜躂 (走地雞), 但室外空間可能有限。
  • Free Range + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約2平方英尺活動空間

牧場 (Pasture-Raised)

  • Pasture-Raised + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞至少有108平方英尺活動空間
  • 母雞生長在土地上, 有空間來活動,以確保獲取新鮮食物及富含omega-3的飼料 , 可以生產出營養價值甚高的雞蛋。
  • 牧場飼養雞蛋有更多營養,更少脂肪,提供健腦,抗癌,骨骼的幫助,並維持皮膚所需要的維生素和礦物質。
  • 一顆牧場飼養的雞蛋與籠養雞蛋相比:
    • 所含的omega-3脂肪含量多出2倍 
    • 維生素A多三分之二
    • 維生素E多3倍
    • 維生素D增加4倍
    • Β-胡蘿蔔素(抗癌抗氧化劑)多7倍
    • 膽固醇含量低33%,飽和脂肪少25%
healthy snacks, energy balls, snacks, protein balls, post-workout snacks, pre-workout snacks

Healthy Snack recipe: Fudge Power Protein Balls + Garden of Life Raw Meal and Fit Protein Powder Review

According to studies, keeping a flow of working 52 minutes at a time and taking frequent healthy work breaks may boost productivity. Try to make this 15-minute no bake healthy protein balls during your next meeting break to also boost your nutrition, refresh the mind & creativity, and reduce stress.

Check out the step-by-step video instructions: Protein Balls VLOG recipe

Garden of Life Raw Organic Meal (Chocolate)

  • Packed with 44 superfoods
  • 20 g of clean protein per scoop from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, 7g of Organic Fiber, 1.5 billions probiotics & enzymes (promotes gut health), plus 21 vitamins and minerals.
  • 56% Protein.  RAW protein—since heat and processing can denature proteins.
  • Free of gluten, soy, dairy, tree nuts, filler ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. 
  • Less than 1 g of sugar
  • Suitable for those with lactose intolerance or sensitive to whey (ex. bloating/flatulence)
  • Delicious and simple way to sneak in nutrients fast
  • Keep you full for hours to support weight management 
  • Can be combined with other healthy foods to replace small meals/snacks to support a healthy weight 

Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit

  • 28 g of clean protein per scoop from 13 raw sprouted ingredients, along with greens, healthy fat, 8g of Organic Fiber, 3 billions probiotics & enzymes (promotes gut health)
  • 61% Protein.  RAW protein—since heat and processing can denature proteins. Higher protein and fiber to keep you full longer
  • With added Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract, cinnamon), and Chromium to help maintain blood sugar levels and build lean muscle mass when combined with proper exercise
  • With added organic Ashwagandha to help combat stress, boost energy & metabolism, improve sleep quality, and may help fight cravings
  • With added 5g of naturally occurring branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) to help build lean muscle mass
  • Free of soy, dairy, added sugars, filler ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. 
  • Suitable for those with lactose intolerance or sensitive to whey (ex. bloating/flatulence)
  • Delicious 
  • Less than 1 g of sugar

Related: Inc. Productivity 

11 Food combos to supercharge your nutrient absorption

Food pairings, food combos, nutrient absorption, food synergy

What is Food synergy?

Just like wine & cheese pairings, you and your BFF, Jay-Z & Beyonce, Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka, travel & fitness, certain foods are better eaten together than apart. These food combos achieve a synergistic effect to boost our nutrient absorption. Try this at your next meal and achieve better wellness.

More Food Combos:

Enhance omega-3 fatty acids (Support heart health):

  • Dark Chocolate + Seaweed
  • Chestnut + Sardines
  • Black Elderberry + Spirulina 
  • Flaxseed meal + Chia Seeds 

Enhance probiotic absorption (Support gut health, immune system, mental health, and beyond) :

  • Garlic, Scallion + Miso Soup
  • Asparagus + Tempeh 
  • Onion + Natto 
  • Dandelion root + Apple Cider Vinegar 

Enhance sulforaphanes absorption (Cancer Fighting antioxidants):

  • Mushrooms + Bok Choy
  • Brazil Nuts + Kale 
  • Eggs + Watercress

Enhance lycopene absorption:

  • Olive oil + Red bell pepper 

Enhance catechins absorption:

  • Orange + Dark Chocolate
  • Rice Milk + Blackberries

Enhance calcium  absorption 

  • Tuna + Cheese 
  • Watermelon + Kefir 
  • Grapefruit + Greek Yogurt 
  • Fortified Almond Milk 

Enhance fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)

  • Coconut Oil + Sweet Potato
  • Avocado + Spinach
  • Hummus + Brussels Sprouts 

Enhance iron absorption:

  • Orange + Spirulina 
  • Bell pepper + Grass-fed Beef
  • Strawberries + Dark Chocolate 

👩🏻‍⚕️ RD’s Choice (Click Images to purchase): 


RELATED: 6 Winter Superfoods to Eat Post-Workout

The difference of OTC/Store Grade Supplements VS. Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements

Not all beef are created equal

Many clients ask, “Should I eat steak or not?”, when the better question is, “Which beef is healthier?”. The truth is not all beef is created equal.

comparison of grass-fed beef vs. grain-fed beef
The Difference of Organic Grass-Fed Beef and Grain-Fed Beef

♥️ Nutrition Tips:

💪🏻 Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – A type of polyunsaturated fatty acid: 

  • Function: Potential protective role against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes
  • Best sources: Organic Grass-fed Beef, Organic Grass-fed Butter, Raw Cheese (sheep or goat)
  • Related: Learn more about CLA From Sloan Kettering 

💪🏻Beta-carotene- Precursor of vitamin A:

  • Function: Support vision health, respiratory function, and skin health 
  • Best sources: Carrot, Pumpkin, Dark Leafy Greens (spinach, kale)

💪🏻Vitamin E- Antioxidant (Protect our cells from oxidation):

  • Function: Promote glowing and youthful skin, May reduce PMS symptoms such as anxiety, food cravings, and depression 
  • Best sources: Nuts & Seeds, Mango, Avocado 

💪🏻Glutathione- Antioxidant 

📋Grass-Fed ≠ Organic :

  • Choose 100% Organic Grass-Fed when possible 100% organic beef

‼️ Superbugs- bacteria that have become resistant to many antibiotics:


3 Superfoods to supercharge your immune system, brain power, vision health, and glowing skin

3 superfoods
Supercharged by Everybitematters
  • 💪🏻 Eggs are rich in zinc, which is linked to the production of WBC and can help support our immune system
  • 💪🏻 Avos and Egg yolks are a source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) that contain Oleic Acid (a MU Omega-9 FA) which may reduce inflammation, protect against cancer, boost memory & protect against cognitive decline (which may prevent Alzheimer’s disease). 
  • 💪🏻 Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, watercress, arugula, and mustard greens promote gut health to aid healthy absorption of immune boosting nutrients. 
  • 💪🏻 Avos, Eggs, and Dark leafy greens contain carotenoids, an antioxidant that may protect against cancer . 
  • 💪🏻 Avos, Eggs, and COOKED dark leafy greens contain lutein + zeaxanthin ( a type of carotenoids). These antioxidants protect eye health by filtering out much of the harmful blue light rays, especially the UV rays, which also help to maintain healthy, glowing, youthful skin.  ( ✅ Connect via my SkinBetter to purchase my favorite face serum that offers daily antioxidant protection for your skin and improvement of the appearance of uneven tone and redness. Stay tune for product reviews)
  • 💪🏻 Avos and RAW spinach contain Glutathione, an antioxidant that can protect against oxidative damage and support your immune system. Glutathione is also naturally produced by your body but the level may be depleted with aging, poor diet, and chronic disease/stress. Since dietary glutathione is not well absorbed, you may benefit from taking a supplement.  (✅ Contact me to learn more about how S-Acetyl Glutathione provides intracellular antioxidant support for immune function and which top rated brand I trust the most. )

Keto AvoEgg: Video Recipe on My IG Story
Skin Better Science

Stay healthy & Calm while social distancing and helping to slow the spread of Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ).

Beast Mode

Here are some of the best nutrients that may calm your nerve.
✅Vit B6 ( (Turkey, Pistachios, Grass-fed Beef)
✅Vit B12 (Sardines, Eggs, Salmon)
✅Vit B5 (Avocado, Seeds, Lentils)
✅Folate (Spinach, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
✅Magnesium (Almonds, Kefir, Yogurt)
✅Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Salmon, Walnuts, Chia Seeds)
Organic Mandarin Chicken with Cauliflower Rice
What should I eat?? 😋😋😋
✅Choose grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, eggs, organic chicken, legumes, nuts, seeds, bone broth, avocado, quinoa, broccoli, kefir, and leafy greens.
RD’s Choice
Supplements to support your mood:
(Is there really a difference between store-grade supplements VS. pharmaceutical-grade, professional-grade supplements? Review this chart and decide). 
**DO NOT TAKE 5-HTP if you are taking medications for depressions (such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Elavil, Anafranil, Tofranil, etc. ). 5-HTP is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women and should be avoided by those with any form of cardiovascular disease.

7 Diseases the Amazing Beet Can Help You Fight Off and 7 Ways to Enjoy Beet

Beet is well known as a liver and blood cleanser. Due to its high-antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, it has been linked to the prevention of lung, liver, colon cancer and many diseases.

Simple ways to incorporate beet into your diet include:

  1. Make an immune-boosting smoothie with beet, lemon, ginger, and raspberries
  2. Make a healthy side dish with roasted beet
  3. Add grated beetroot into your big salad
  4. Add fresh beet leaves into your big salad
  5. Steam beet, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu together and serve over brown rice or quinoa
  6. Make a beet and carrot soup
  7. Make a Beet Latte with beet juice, almond milk, ginger, and honey/maple syrup

Know these 5 things about Eggs

1. Eat Eggs occasionally, but not Egg Beaters
2. Pastured Eggs are ideal (Buy at Fairway Market)
3. Second choice: Organic or Free-Range Eggs
4. Top 5 nutrients in Eggs:
?Sulfur – boost Skin and Joint Health
?Vitamin B12- boost Energy and fight Depression
?Choline- boost Energy and Brain Health
?Vitamin D- boost Immunity and Bone Heath
?Lutein- boost Vision Health
5. Egg yolk contains most of these vitamins and minerals

Understand Egg Label

Photo by The Humane Society of The United States

Read more about eggs and choline in my Eat Eggs blog post.