建議睡眠時間: 每晚7-9個小時 睡眠品質: 若深層睡眠佔整體睡眠時間的15%至20%,就算是正常範圍 ( 可以使用 “Sleep Cycle ” 睡眠週期免費 App 觀察) 日常: ✅ 選擇
多吃一些富含鎂的食物, 例如: 多吃一些富含鈣的食物, 例如: 小魚乾, 黑芝麻, 蝦米, 西蘭花, 杏仁, 紫菜, 深色蔬菜, 酸奶 多吃一些富含維生素B6的食物, 例如: 補充維生素 D (10am-2pm 陽光下曬10-30分鐘, 維生素 D3) 運動- 每周至少鍛煉150分鐘 控制體重 ❌ 避免
下午2pm 點後避免咖啡、茶、可樂, 巧克力 下午4pm 點後避免午睡 晚上: ✅ 選擇
多吃一些富含褪黑激素的食物, 例如: 香蕉, 酸櫻桃 蘆筍, 番茄, 蘿蔔, 西蘭花, 黃瓜, 薑 麥皮 多吃一些含色胺酸 (Tryptophan)的食物, 例如: 堅果, 芝麻, 瓜子, 嘉種子(Chia Seeds) 螺旋藻 (Spirulina) 酸奶 黑米,糙米, 紅米, 發芽穀物 蛋, 豆類 (非罐頭), 豆腐, 毛豆 野生魚, 雞, 草食牛肉/羊肉 (grass-fed) ❌ 避免
避免辛辣、意大利麵醬, 油膩的食物 (和其他容易引起胃酸反流的食物) 避免含有較高酪胺 (Tyramine) 的食物, 例如: 發酵食品或醃製食品: 醬油,味 噌 (Miso),照燒醬 (Teriyaki) , 加工肉類 (培根 bacon, 火腿、肉鬆, 煙肉及腸仔), 硬芝士 (Aged Cheese, hard cheese) 睡前1-2小時: ✅ 選擇
鈣片/鎂在睡前服用 (鎮定, 放鬆身心) 喝加鈣杏仁奶 ❌ 避免
避免在睡前喝太多水 避免 吃含糖宵夜 (例如: 白麵包,巧克力,果汁, 高糖水果,餅乾, 雪糕)避免過於激烈的運動 避免喝酒 (抑製大腦進入深度睡眠階段) 不要在床上看電視,玩手機 ✅ 選擇助眠營養補充劑 , 花茶與精油: 鎂 Magnesium 褪黑激素 Melatonin 纈草根 Valerian Root 西番蓮 Passion Flower- – 減輕焦慮 洋甘菊 (Chamomile)- 補充鈣和鎂 薰衣草 (Lavender) 啤酒花 (Hops) 檸檬香蜂草 (Lemon Balm)
Bedtime Tea
Bedtime Detox Tea
Bedtime Tea for better sleep, everyday detox, skin health, and more
Prep Time 1 minute min
Cook Time 18 minutes mins
Resting Time 5 minutes mins
Total Time 21 minutes mins
Course Drinks
Cuisine Chinese
4 cups Water 6 pieces Jujubes (red dates) 1 handful Goji berres 2 bags Dandy Liver Detox Tea 2 tsp Raw honey 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1 Egg (optional) 1 drop Astragalus (or 3 slices of dried Astragalus root) (optional) 3 pieces Dried longans (optional) Boil water in a medium pot
Wash jujubes, goji berries, dried astragalus root (optional), and dried longans (optional)
Place jujubes, dried astragalus root (optional), and dried longans (optional) into pot. Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for 15 minutes
(Optional): Carefully drop the egg into the center of the whirlpool and let it poach for 3 minutes
Turn off heat. Add teabags and goji berries. Cover pot and let it steep for 5-10 minutes
Stir in raw honey and apple cider vinegar. Serve warm
Longan is used to calm the mind, support sleep & digestion in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Organic Jujube/Dried dates Organic Goji berries Since the vitamins in goji berries are water-soluble, you can also chew them directly without soaking into hot water to maximize nutrient absorption. Soaking goji berries into hot water can soften the dried berries.Local raw honey may alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms . 1 egg = 6 grams of protein = can help balance blood sugar level and promote better sleep Dandy Liver Detox Tea (dandelion root, milk thistle seed, lemon peel, and more) Astragalus = Immune booster
Keyword bedtime, bedtime snack, bedtime tea, detox, healthy recipes, healthy snack, sleep better, sleepaid, tea
nourish your body through whole foods