All posts by Isabel

Isabel Wong, MS, RN, RD is an aesthetic nurse and integrative nutrition consultant who specializes in preventing and/or reversing chronic disease patterns in her Medical Nutrition Program, as well as helping clients to achieve optimal lifetime wellness and their desired beauty goals & body shapes via her Nutrition & Wellness Program and non-invasive treatments.Isabel embraces both eastern and western philosophies to achieve health and wellness. As a functional dietitian, she has a passion for helping men and women of all ages and backgrounds to transform their diet and lifestyle to enhance fitness performance, self-confidence, and overall health. As a beauty nurse, she empowers and supports her clients to meet their aesthetic goals, achieve glowing skin, love their appearances, and feel their best.

6 Benefits of Bone Broth

bone broth
5-Minute Immune Boosting Soup
  1. Fight autoimmune diseases
  • Bone broth contains glycine and proline, as well as collagen, which help to repair leaky gut by sealing the openings in the gut lining 
    • Leaky gut and systemic inflammation may be associated with autoimmune diseases.
      • Related: According to Dr. Marcelo Campos from Harvard Medical School, “an unhealthy gut lining may have large cracks or holes, allowing partially digested food, toxins, and bugs to penetrate the tissues beneath it. This may trigger inflammation and changes in the gut flora (normal bacteria) that could lead to problems within the digestive tract and beyond”. 
    • Common autoimmune diseases include: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (associated with hypothyroidism), Graves’ disease (associated with hyperthyroidism), rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, alopecia areata (patchy hair loss), and psoriasis. 

2.  Reduce inflammation and joint pain

  • Bone broth contains glycine and proline, which have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Bone broth is rich in glucosamine and chondroitin:
    • reduce inflammation, arthritis, joint pain, lower back pain 

3.  Boost liver detoxification 

  • Bone broth contains Glycine, one of the amino acids to make Glutathione (GSH).
  • Glutathione (GSH) helps with detoxification, rid the body of heavy metals such as mercury and lead, cleanse your liver and rejuvenate liver cells. 
  • GSH is a powerful antioxidant  
    • Antioxidants:  helps protect your cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals
    • Free radicals: linked to aging and diseases 
    • Oxidation is a normal process, happens when we make energy
    • Oxidative stress happens when there’s an imbalance between free radical and antioxidant activity.
      • Oxidative damage increases when we become injured or have an infection (such as flu, gingivitis) 
      • Oxidative damage = Increase inflammation (may caused by leaky gut and food allergies)

4. Nutrient-packed superfood 

  • Bone broth provides nutrient-dense, easy to digest trace minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and silicon. 

5. Tighten skin (skin laxity)

  • Bone broth contains easy to digest collagen
  • Tighten skin by decreasing cellulite 
  • Collagen may help to prevent aging and reduce wrinkles

6. Improve sleep quality, mood, restore focus & clarity 

  • Bone broth contains glycine: Reduce insomnia and improve mood  
  • Related: Dr. Michael Breus discusses the sleep benefits

You can make bone broth at home with grass-fed bones or organic free-range chicken bones. It takes ~8-24 hours to cook beef bone broth and up to 48 hours for chicken bone broth on the stove or about 2 hours in an Instant Pot for the minerals and nutrients to be drawn out of the bones and into the bone broth. If you don’t want to spend that time or effort, you can also purchase store-bought bone broth or protein powder made with bone broth.

Check out this video for my 5-Minute Immune Boosting Soup 

Related: Check out my VLOG recipe for my Purple Beauty Smoothie– Superfoods for Glowing Skin

👩🏻‍⚕️ RD’s Choice 

11 Food combos to supercharge your nutrient absorption

Food pairings, food combos, nutrient absorption, food synergy

What is Food synergy?

Just like wine & cheese pairings, you and your BFF, Jay-Z & Beyonce, Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka, travel & fitness, certain foods are better eaten together than apart. These food combos achieve a synergistic effect to boost our nutrient absorption. Try this at your next meal and achieve better wellness.

More Food Combos:

Enhance omega-3 fatty acids (Support heart health):

  • Dark Chocolate + Seaweed
  • Chestnut + Sardines
  • Black Elderberry + Spirulina 
  • Flaxseed meal + Chia Seeds 

Enhance probiotic absorption (Support gut health, immune system, mental health, and beyond) :

  • Garlic, Scallion + Miso Soup
  • Asparagus + Tempeh 
  • Onion + Natto 
  • Dandelion root + Apple Cider Vinegar 

Enhance sulforaphanes absorption (Cancer Fighting antioxidants):

  • Mushrooms + Bok Choy
  • Brazil Nuts + Kale 
  • Eggs + Watercress

Enhance lycopene absorption:

  • Olive oil + Red bell pepper 

Enhance catechins absorption:

  • Orange + Dark Chocolate
  • Rice Milk + Blackberries

Enhance calcium  absorption 

  • Tuna + Cheese 
  • Watermelon + Kefir 
  • Grapefruit + Greek Yogurt 
  • Fortified Almond Milk 

Enhance fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)

  • Coconut Oil + Sweet Potato
  • Avocado + Spinach
  • Hummus + Brussels Sprouts 

Enhance iron absorption:

  • Orange + Spirulina 
  • Bell pepper + Grass-fed Beef
  • Strawberries + Dark Chocolate 

👩🏻‍⚕️ RD’s Choice (Click Images to purchase): 


RELATED: 6 Winter Superfoods to Eat Post-Workout

The difference of OTC/Store Grade Supplements VS. Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements

Not all beef are created equal

Many clients ask, “Should I eat steak or not?”, when the better question is, “Which beef is healthier?”. The truth is not all beef is created equal.

comparison of grass-fed beef vs. grain-fed beef
The Difference of Organic Grass-Fed Beef and Grain-Fed Beef

♥️ Nutrition Tips:

💪🏻 Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – A type of polyunsaturated fatty acid: 

  • Function: Potential protective role against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes
  • Best sources: Organic Grass-fed Beef, Organic Grass-fed Butter, Raw Cheese (sheep or goat)
  • Related: Learn more about CLA From Sloan Kettering 

💪🏻Beta-carotene- Precursor of vitamin A:

  • Function: Support vision health, respiratory function, and skin health 
  • Best sources: Carrot, Pumpkin, Dark Leafy Greens (spinach, kale)

💪🏻Vitamin E- Antioxidant (Protect our cells from oxidation):

  • Function: Promote glowing and youthful skin, May reduce PMS symptoms such as anxiety, food cravings, and depression 
  • Best sources: Nuts & Seeds, Mango, Avocado 

💪🏻Glutathione- Antioxidant 

📋Grass-Fed ≠ Organic :

  • Choose 100% Organic Grass-Fed when possible 100% organic beef

‼️ Superbugs- bacteria that have become resistant to many antibiotics:


The difference of OTC/Store Grade Supplements VS. Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements

Is there really a difference between store-grade supplements VS. pharmaceutical-grade, professional-grade supplements? Review this chart and decide. 

supplement comparison chart

‼️ Beware of adulterated supplements!

The FDA found hundreds of unapproved pharmaceutical ingredients, such as Sildenafil (active ingredient in Viagra) , Sibutramine (banned weight-loss compound), and Steroid-like ingredients during the past decade. You can check if your supplements, drugs, foods, cosmetics, beverages, pet foods, medical devices, or tobacco products on FDA’s page here to see whether it has been recalled or subject to safety alerts. Read more about the adulterated supplements on The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA)

❗️ Even with uncontaminated vitamins and minerals,  labels on the unregulated products don’t always contain the ingredients and amounts (less or more) they claim and may be made with forms that are hard to digest.  Without knowing what you are actually getting or able to absorb from these products, you may be surprised to find you are deficient in certain nutrients you have been taking via popular supplement brands for months! If you are interested in taking a micronutrient or genetic test, please schedule a Discovery session to learn more. 

Some of the brands I trusted: 

  • Xymogen
  • Pure Encapsulations
  • Klaire Labs
  • Designs for Health 
  • Douglas Labs
  • Integrative Therapeutics 
  • Ortho Molecular
  • Metagenics 
  • Gaia Herbs 
  • DiVinci Labs 
  • Transformation Enzymes 
  • NuMedica
  • Master Supplements 
  • Nordic Naturals

If you are interested in Xymogen formulas, please contact me for practitioner code to order online.

Order below or discover some of my favorite products and access my practitioner’s discount here 

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

專家教你看懂普通營養補充品與 醫藥級營養補充品的區別

OTC supplements VS pharmaceutical grade supplements


  • Pure Encapsulations
  • Xymogen
  • Klaire Labs
  • Designs for Health 
  • Douglas Labs
  • Integrative Therapeutics 
  • Ortho Molecular
  • Metagenics 
  • Gaia Herbs 
  • DiVinci Labs 
  • Transformation Enzymes 
  • NuMedica
  • Master Supplements 
  • Nordic Naturals


  1. 益生菌 (Probiotic): 

  • 人體內有70%免疫細胞存在於腸道中
  • 養好腸道, 避免致病菌的侵入
  • 可以幫助消化吸收,促進腸道菌群平衡. 
  • 增強免疫力和抗病力
    • 預防呼吸道感染
      •  增加抗原特異性的IgG和IgA抗體,抑制炎症時單核細胞的增殖,減少肺部病原菌負擔並阻止組織病原菌擴散至血液. 
    • 腸道菌群紊亂與許多慢性疾病有關: 例如糖尿病、肥胖症、抑鬱症等
    • 增強機體免疫如鼠李糖乳桿菌HN001有利於減低嬰兒血漿IgE水平,提升其腸道屏障功能, 可降低特應性皮炎、濕疹等. 
  • 如果您目前正在使用抗生素,同時補充益生菌會有很大的幫助。
  • 食物來源包括: 泡菜, 納豆, 味噌, 乳酪 (Yogurt), 克菲爾 (Kefir) 
    • Yogurt 要細看營養標籤,最好清楚說明菌種及數量
    • Kefir 比 Yogurt 含有更多種類的益生菌
    • 醃菜含有大量鹽和糖,不宜多吃
    • 食物中的益生菌含量有限,難以單靠日常飲食獲得保健功效,可以考慮食用益生菌補充品,促進腸道健康

2. β-葡聚醣(β-glucans): 

  • 主要存在香菇、靈芝, 燕麥. 不過, 生食的含量最高 . 加工的穀類也會大量減少β-葡聚醣含量. 選擇鋼切燕麥粒(Steel-cut oats),而非即沖燕麥片或燕麥粉。
  • 有助於提升免疫力. 
    • 在老鼠實驗中發現,β-葡聚醣可以降低運動後的負面效果,並增加抵抗呼吸道感染
  • 幫助控制血糖
  • 降低壞膽固醇
  • 可能有助於對抗癌症. 
    • 有可能喚醒 T細胞(T-cells)或自然殺手細胞(Natural killer cell)
  • 可能會有助於以下的病症:過敏(Allergies)、氣喘(Asthma)、慢性疲勞症候群(Chronic fatigue syndrome)、纖維肌痛(Fibromyalgia)
  • 注意: 平常較少攝取膳食纖維的人,應該循序漸進的補充, 避免大量攝取可能會造成腸胃不適、脹氣或排氣等症狀。建議有低血糖症(hypoglycemia)或服用降血糖藥的人,先諮詢。

3. 乙醯半胱胺酸(N-Acetyl Cysteine)(NAC): 

  • 強化免疫作用
    • NAC 擁有強力抗氧化功能,協助降低自由基對細胞造成的損害,過多的自由基造成細胞氧化壓力,是提早老化的主要原因。
  • 提高保護肝及肺細胞
    • 有助肝臟分解毒素,修復肝臟細胞 . 
    • 有助於補充細胞內的穀胱甘肽 (GSH),一種重要的細胞抗氧化劑。
    • 建議服用 Tylenol 時也要補充NAC
  • 有助去斑淨白 . 
    • 抗氧化作用有效抗衰老
    • 能有效阻止黑色素在體內形成, 使黑色素變淺

4. 穀胱甘肽(Glutathione) (GSH):

  • 食物來源包括蘆筍, 牛油果, 大蒜,綠色蔬菜和甜菜
  • 一種重要的細胞抗氧化劑
    • 可清除自由基
    • 其他抗氧化劑如維生素C、E、都需要GSH才能中和自由基。
  • 能夠幫助肝臟快速排除分解毒素,有助修復肝臟細胞
  • 體內足夠的GSH濃度,能夠提高免疫系統對抗各種疾病疲勞,尤其是接受治療中的癌症患者.  
  • S-乙酰穀胱甘肽 (S-Acetyl Glutathione) (S-Acetyl GSH) 可增加細胞內 GSH的含量,因為它具有被腸道吸收並進入人體細胞的能力

5. 薑黃素 (Curcumin) 

  • 除了保健品,咖哩+ 黑胡椒是吸收薑黃素的最佳料理
  • 抗氧化、抗發炎, 抑制自由基,增加人體抗氧化物的活性
  • 降低膽固醇, 血糖, 調節血脂
  • 改善關節炎, 心血管疾病, 癌症, 肥胖, 憂鬱等
    • 實驗中發現可以降低導致體內發炎的細胞激素- 介白素 (TNF), 腫瘤壞死因子 (IL-6), 抑制腫瘤重要發炎因子 (Nf-KB)等
    • 可能減少治療或腫瘤引起的發炎相關副作用 (疲憊/噁心)
    • 目前臨床試驗輔助正規化療,可能增加免疫、減少抗藥性
  • 護肝, 增加血清中GSH抗氧化物質的活性
  • 預防阿茲海默症 (Alzheimer’s disease): 增加腦中酵素的活性
  • 注意: 本身有膽結石、膽道功能異常,或是缺鐵貧血患者,可能不適合吃薑黃素

Stay home, Stay healthy! 4-Ingredient Healthy Cookie Dough Bites (No Bake!)

4-ingredient cookie

Within the past month, many of us have been sheltering in place or staying at home amid COVID-19 concerns. Many may be moving less, snacking on unhealthy food more, staring at our computer screens all day,  being more stationary, staying up too late or lacking quality sleep- which can all compromise our immune system to fight infection and illnesses.

During this crisis, it is especially important to nourish our body with wholesome, immune-boosting foods and beverages.  These 4-ingredient healthy cookie dough bites are so simple to make. The combo of protein and healthy carb can help you stay energized. If you have a little helper or two at home, turn off the TV and make it a family activity to make some smart cookies together !

Check out the video recipe: Part 1 , Part 2

Nutritional benefits of cookie bite ingredients
4-ingredient peanut butter cookie

3 Superfoods to supercharge your immune system, brain power, vision health, and glowing skin

3 superfoods
Supercharged by Everybitematters
  • 💪🏻 Eggs are rich in zinc, which is linked to the production of WBC and can help support our immune system
  • 💪🏻 Avos and Egg yolks are a source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) that contain Oleic Acid (a MU Omega-9 FA) which may reduce inflammation, protect against cancer, boost memory & protect against cognitive decline (which may prevent Alzheimer’s disease). 
  • 💪🏻 Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, watercress, arugula, and mustard greens promote gut health to aid healthy absorption of immune boosting nutrients. 
  • 💪🏻 Avos, Eggs, and Dark leafy greens contain carotenoids, an antioxidant that may protect against cancer . 
  • 💪🏻 Avos, Eggs, and COOKED dark leafy greens contain lutein + zeaxanthin ( a type of carotenoids). These antioxidants protect eye health by filtering out much of the harmful blue light rays, especially the UV rays, which also help to maintain healthy, glowing, youthful skin.  ( ✅ Connect via my SkinBetter to purchase my favorite face serum that offers daily antioxidant protection for your skin and improvement of the appearance of uneven tone and redness. Stay tune for product reviews)
  • 💪🏻 Avos and RAW spinach contain Glutathione, an antioxidant that can protect against oxidative damage and support your immune system. Glutathione is also naturally produced by your body but the level may be depleted with aging, poor diet, and chronic disease/stress. Since dietary glutathione is not well absorbed, you may benefit from taking a supplement.  (✅ Contact me to learn more about how S-Acetyl Glutathione provides intracellular antioxidant support for immune function and which top rated brand I trust the most. )

Keto AvoEgg: Video Recipe on My IG Story
Skin Better Science

Stay healthy & Calm while social distancing and helping to slow the spread of Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ).

Beast Mode

Here are some of the best nutrients that may calm your nerve.
✅Vit B6 ( (Turkey, Pistachios, Grass-fed Beef)
✅Vit B12 (Sardines, Eggs, Salmon)
✅Vit B5 (Avocado, Seeds, Lentils)
✅Folate (Spinach, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
✅Magnesium (Almonds, Kefir, Yogurt)
✅Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Salmon, Walnuts, Chia Seeds)
Organic Mandarin Chicken with Cauliflower Rice
What should I eat?? 😋😋😋
✅Choose grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, eggs, organic chicken, legumes, nuts, seeds, bone broth, avocado, quinoa, broccoli, kefir, and leafy greens.
RD’s Choice
Supplements to support your mood:
(Is there really a difference between store-grade supplements VS. pharmaceutical-grade, professional-grade supplements? Review this chart and decide). 
**DO NOT TAKE 5-HTP if you are taking medications for depressions (such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Elavil, Anafranil, Tofranil, etc. ). 5-HTP is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women and should be avoided by those with any form of cardiovascular disease.