- 一個大雞蛋含約80卡路里熱量,6克蛋白質
- 蛋黃富含膽鹼 Choline- 促進大腦健康; 保護肝臟, 協助脂肪從肝臟輸出, 有助於預防非酒精性脂肪肝
- 蛋黃富含葉黃素 lutein和玉米黃質 zeaxanthin(兩種類胡蘿蔔素)- 保護皮膚健康, 減少與年齡相關的黃斑病變 macular degeneration 和白內障cataracts
- 棕色殼和白殼雞蛋在營養上沒有差別
- 一天可以吃幾個雞蛋? 一天吃1至2顆(連同蛋黃)
有機 (USDAOrganic)
- 母雞必須是無籠飼養 ,並餵食無農藥、無化肥飼料, 有機飼料
富含脂肪酸-3 (Omega-3 Enriched)
- 飼料中加入富含脂肪酸-3的亞麻籽、藻類或魚油
- 每隻蛋的Omega-3含量可達350毫克(普通雞蛋是30毫克)
- 脂肪酸-3: 抗炎, 保護心臟和大腦健康, 提昇情緒
認證人道 (Certified Humane)
無籠 (Cage Free)
- 母雞不生活在籠中, 但生活在穀倉平均活動空間有限。
- Cage Free + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約1平方英尺活動空間
放養 (Free Range)
- 有雞舍,但可以隨時到外邊溜躂 (走地雞), 但室外空間可能有限。
- Free Range + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞約2平方英尺活動空間
牧場 (Pasture-Raised)
- Pasture-Raised + Certified Humane一起出現 = 每隻雞至少有108平方英尺活動空間
- 母雞生長在土地上, 有空間來活動,以確保獲取新鮮食物及富含omega-3的飼料 , 可以生產出營養價值甚高的雞蛋。
- 牧場飼養雞蛋有更多營養,更少脂肪,提供健腦,抗癌,骨骼的幫助,並維持皮膚所需要的維生素和礦物質。
- 一顆牧場飼養的雞蛋與籠養雞蛋相比:
- 所含的omega-3脂肪含量多出2倍
- 維生素A多三分之二
- 維生素E多3倍
- 維生素D增加4倍
- Β-胡蘿蔔素(抗癌抗氧化劑)多7倍
- 膽固醇含量低33%,飽和脂肪少25%

During the cold months, not many brave souls who can choke down a 20 ounces cold smoothie or frosty green juice after a workout. The basic components of recovery meal include a complex carb, lean protein, healthy fat, and veggies. My winter post-workout meal consist of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants to help decrease inflammation and aid in muscle recovery. The ingredients can be mixed and matched according to your taste. Read about the benefits of these 6 superfoods and YOU can prepare your next post-workout meal in less than 15 minutes.
- Green Tea with Mint, Lemon, and a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar
- Replenish fluid lost in exercise
- Support weight management
- Reduce muscle soreness
- Sweet Potatoes
- Restore glycogen level
- Sustain energy
- Support weight management
- *Miso Soup with Mushrooms, Celery, and Organic TofuPlus (by @nasoya)
- Restore electrolytes
- Boost energy
- Boost immune system
- Promote gut-health
- Chia Seeds
- Reduce inflammation
- Boost energy
- Support bone and joint health
- Avocados
- Prevent muscle cramps
- Maintain electrolyte balance
- Raw Cacao Nibs
- Boost energy
- Speed up recovery time
- Maintain muscle function
- Support weight management
- Support muscle growth
*Miso soup is a vital, versatile item at my house. You can add any vegetables and lean protein you have on-hand. Get this 10-minute Green Tea Noodle Bowl Recipe by me.
nourish your body through whole foods