Healthy Eating for the Holidays


7 Tips for avoiding over-indulgence at Holiday parties:

  1. Spend time making conversations instead of stuffing yourself with foods/drinks.
  2. Have a 200-350 Kcal snack before you arrive the party (ex. a handful of nuts, a non-fat Greek yogurt with 1 Tbsp of flaxseed/chia seed/fresh chopped berries, a piece of fruit with 1 Tbsp natural Almond Butter).
  3. Suggest guests to bring a healthy dish along with recipes to share with friends and family.
  4. Limit alcohol consumption. Choose wine or straight spirits over mixed drinks or beer. Have at least a glass of water in between drinks.
  5. Eat slowly and enjoy every bite of your meal.
  6. Stick with the 3 bites rule if you want to have cheat foods (ex. high calorie pie).
  7. Have fun and dance off the calories with friends and family.

Holiday Meals

Holiday Food Choices:


  • Vegetable or Fresh Fruit Salad with light dressing (ex. Greek yogurt)
  • Steamed/Roasted Vegetables
  • Mashed sweet potato/pumpkin
  • Boiled Fish/Chicken breast/Turkey breast
  • Water


  • Eggnog/Soda/Juice
  • Gravy/Cream/Butter sauce
  • Baby ribs
  • Holiday pies/cakes/bread pudding
  • Fried Foods
  • Alcoholic beverages


One thought on “Healthy Eating for the Holidays”

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