Category Archives: Nutritional Supplements

7-Day Liver Detox Plan before the holidays – The last minute guide to getting into better shape before 2021

When is the best time to start this plan?

NOW, but realistically, check your calendar and pick a week when you don’t anticipate any special events that involve a lot of foods. You can do this before the holidays to rejuvenate your liver and repeat it whenever you are feeling sluggish, lack of concentration, having skin breakout/acne/hyperpigmentation, having bad breath, brain fog, or just to kick start a long-term healthier lifestyle.

Add 1 good habit and abandon 1 bad habit from your lifestyle each day of the detox.

Day 1

Limit your daily eating window to 12 hours. For instance, if you take your first bite of food at 9 am, you would finish your last bite of food of the day by 9 pm. During the fasting period, you can stay hydrated with water and consume unsweetened coffee/tea. 

❌ Avoid Alcohol

Day 2

✅ Lose excess belly fat to lower inflammation and reverse liver damage. Get enough sleep and ramp up your workout: Exercise for 45-60 minutes most days of the week and be more physical active during the day.

❌Avoid added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

  • ex. Diet/regular soda, sugary cereals, sugary yogurt, whipped cream, sweetened condiments such as some teriyaki sauce/spaghetti sauce/soy sauce/honey mustard/ketchup

Day 3

✅ Drink 1-2 cups of Detox juice a day:

    1. Combine 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar + juice 1/2 lemon + ½ teaspoon of raw honey + 8 oz water  and/or
    2. Juice 1 beet + 2 slices of ginger + 3 carrots   

❌ Avoid refined carbs.

  • ex. Bread, pasta, burger

Day 4

✅ Eat 1 serving of choline-rich food a day.

  • ex. Egg, chicken, beef, broccoli, salmon

❌ Avoid refined oils.

  • ex. soybean, safflower, vegetable, canola or sunflower oil

Day 5

✅ Aim for at least 3 cups of vegetables and 1 fruit a day. 

❌ Avoid ultra-processed and packaged foods.

  • ex. instant rices, instant noodles, cold cuts, ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, canned soups, frozen meals/pizza

Day 6

Start your meal by eating half of the veggies> then protein + more veggies > finishing it with carbs.

❌ Avoid fried Foods.

  • ex. French fries, donuts, falafel, churros, arancini, fried chicken, pakora, General Tso’s chicken

Day 7

✅ Practice food and lifestyle changes first, then consider supplements.

  • Supplements for liver health: Milk thistle, Artichoke, Dandelion Root, Curcumin, Vitamin D3, Resveratrol. 

❌ If you have liver disease, stay away from raw or undercooked shellfish.

  • ex. Oysters, calms


💚 Learn how to create/order balanced meals at home or in the restaurants

💚 Are your supplements safe?

The difference of OTC/Store Grade Supplements VS. Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements

Is there really a difference between store-grade supplements VS. pharmaceutical-grade, professional-grade supplements? Review this chart and decide. 

supplement comparison chart

‼️ Beware of adulterated supplements!

The FDA found hundreds of unapproved pharmaceutical ingredients, such as Sildenafil (active ingredient in Viagra) , Sibutramine (banned weight-loss compound), and Steroid-like ingredients during the past decade. You can check if your supplements, drugs, foods, cosmetics, beverages, pet foods, medical devices, or tobacco products on FDA’s page here to see whether it has been recalled or subject to safety alerts. Read more about the adulterated supplements on The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA)

❗️ Even with uncontaminated vitamins and minerals,  labels on the unregulated products don’t always contain the ingredients and amounts (less or more) they claim and may be made with forms that are hard to digest.  Without knowing what you are actually getting or able to absorb from these products, you may be surprised to find you are deficient in certain nutrients you have been taking via popular supplement brands for months! If you are interested in taking a micronutrient or genetic test, please schedule a Discovery session to learn more. 

Some of the brands I trusted: 

  • Xymogen
  • Pure Encapsulations
  • Klaire Labs
  • Designs for Health 
  • Douglas Labs
  • Integrative Therapeutics 
  • Ortho Molecular
  • Metagenics 
  • Gaia Herbs 
  • DiVinci Labs 
  • Transformation Enzymes 
  • NuMedica
  • Master Supplements 
  • Nordic Naturals

If you are interested in Xymogen formulas, please contact me for practitioner code to order online.

Order below or discover some of my favorite products and access my practitioner’s discount here 

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.