Stay home, Stay healthy! 4-Ingredient Healthy Cookie Dough Bites (No Bake!)

4-ingredient cookie

Within the past month, many of us have been sheltering in place or staying at home amid COVID-19 concerns. Many may be moving less, snacking on unhealthy food more, staring at our computer screens all day,  being more stationary, staying up too late or lacking quality sleep- which can all compromise our immune system to fight infection and illnesses.

During this crisis, it is especially important to nourish our body with wholesome, immune-boosting foods and beverages.  These 4-ingredient healthy cookie dough bites are so simple to make. The combo of protein and healthy carb can help you stay energized. If you have a little helper or two at home, turn off the TV and make it a family activity to make some smart cookies together !

Check out the video recipe: Part 1 , Part 2

Nutritional benefits of cookie bite ingredients
4-ingredient peanut butter cookie

3 Superfoods to supercharge your immune system, brain power, vision health, and glowing skin

3 superfoods
Supercharged by Everybitematters
  • 💪🏻 Eggs are rich in zinc, which is linked to the production of WBC and can help support our immune system
  • 💪🏻 Avos and Egg yolks are a source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) that contain Oleic Acid (a MU Omega-9 FA) which may reduce inflammation, protect against cancer, boost memory & protect against cognitive decline (which may prevent Alzheimer’s disease). 
  • 💪🏻 Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, watercress, arugula, and mustard greens promote gut health to aid healthy absorption of immune boosting nutrients. 
  • 💪🏻 Avos, Eggs, and Dark leafy greens contain carotenoids, an antioxidant that may protect against cancer . 
  • 💪🏻 Avos, Eggs, and COOKED dark leafy greens contain lutein + zeaxanthin ( a type of carotenoids). These antioxidants protect eye health by filtering out much of the harmful blue light rays, especially the UV rays, which also help to maintain healthy, glowing, youthful skin.  ( ✅ Connect via my SkinBetter to purchase my favorite face serum that offers daily antioxidant protection for your skin and improvement of the appearance of uneven tone and redness. Stay tune for product reviews)
  • 💪🏻 Avos and RAW spinach contain Glutathione, an antioxidant that can protect against oxidative damage and support your immune system. Glutathione is also naturally produced by your body but the level may be depleted with aging, poor diet, and chronic disease/stress. Since dietary glutathione is not well absorbed, you may benefit from taking a supplement.  (✅ Contact me to learn more about how S-Acetyl Glutathione provides intracellular antioxidant support for immune function and which top rated brand I trust the most. )

Keto AvoEgg: Video Recipe on My IG Story
Skin Better Science