Dining out for every meal while you travel can make every bite matters a challenge. Although your nutrition intake won’t be perfect, there are some #nutritiontips that can improve your travel-eating.
Step 1: Bring a healthy snack for flights. I am hooked on the @bramibeans #lupini beans. My favorite is the Chili Lime #brami.
It keeps me full until I arrive my destination.
Other good choices include: Raw nuts & seeds, dried dates, Justin’s Almond Butter packet, Kind bars (with less than 4g of sugar per bar), 80% dark chocolate

Step 2: Drink water when flying. Aim for at least 8oz per hour of flight. Dehydration often exaggerates jetlag, which can be a real drag to fun travel.
❌Pass on alcohol and soda.
Step 3: During meal time, start with a tall glass of water with lemon. Next, include a #salad in most meals. Leave the dressing on the side.
❌Skip croutons, cheese, raisins, bacon bits, white bread.

Step 4: Taste everything, Enjoy the local specialty, and Double the veggies.

Step 5: Share your food with friends and puppies.

Step 6: Refill a few more rounds of water with lemon.
Step 7: Have your King Cake and eat it too. Finish your meal with fresh tasting fruits and maybe a sweet note of local favorite. ???

Step 8: Enjoy a glass of drink if you like but limit high-sugar cocktails to 1 glass per day/night.
Sip on a glass of dry red wine, champagne, spritzer, or Ketel One with club soda ??

Step 9: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. ?
Step 10: Allow yourself a spurge you would love. The #beignets and dark roasted coffee & chicory at #cafedumonde were worth it ?☕️

Step 11: Dancing and Walking are exercises. Keep moving ???

Step 12: Choose healthy snacks such as fresh fruits, baby carrots, coconut water, Kombucha, or legumes & lentils while soaking up the sun and making Vitamin D.
❌ Avoid snacking on candies, chips, pretzels throughout the day. You have too much exotic dishes to explore/taste.
Happy Memorial Day! Summer is officially here. Enjoy the journey! ✈️⛵️